ACCESS_LEVEL | | Changes the access level of a configuration item to make it available to lower ranked users |
ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN | 5 | Minimal access level for /admin command. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_AUTOKICK_IMMUNITY | 20 | Minimal access level to be protected against autokicks. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_CHAT | 21 | Minimal access level for chatting. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_CHAT_TIMEOUT | 60 | Time in seconds between public announcements that someone wants to chat, but can't. Set to 0 to disable the public warnings. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_HIDE_OF | 20 | Minimal access level to be able to hide it's own user account information. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_HIDE_TO | 1 | Minimal access level to see everyone's user account information. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_IPS | 1 | Minimal access level you need for seeing IPs of other players in the /players command. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_LIST_ADMINS | 20 | Access level required to be able to use the "/admins" command. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_LIST_ADMINS_SEE_EVERYONE | 20 | Users with this access level or better will be able to list any configured admin, regardless of ADMIN_LIST_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_NVER | 1 | Minimal access level you need for seeing Network versions/strings from other players in /players. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_OP | 5 | Minimal access level for /op and /deop co-admin management commands commands. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_OP_MAX | 4 | Maximal access level directly attainable by /op commands. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_OP_MIN | 21 | Minimal access level directly attainable by /op commands. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY | 21 | Minimal access level for playing |
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDERS | 20 | The access level required to play will only slide up if at least this many players of a higher level are online. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDING | 20 | Sliding minimal access level for playing; if enough players of a higher access level than given by ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY are online, their level will be the minimal level for play; however, it will never be higher than ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDING. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_QUEUE_CONFIGS | 20 | Sets the access level required to use chat commands /cq add & remove. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_QUEUE_MAPS | 20 | Sets the access level required to use chat commands /mq add & remove. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_RTFM | 5 | Minimal access level for /teach or /rtfm command. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SHOUT | 21 | Minimal access level for shouting. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SHUFFLE_UP | 1 | Minimal access level for shuffling up |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_CONSOLE | 1 | Minimal access level you need for seeing console input from other (in-game) admins. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_MSG | -1 | Minimal access level you need for seeing /msg messages directed to others. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SPY_TEAM | -1 | Minimal access level you need for seeing /team messages as a spectator. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_SUBSTITUTE | 2 | Required access level to switch with another player. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_TEAM | 7 | Minimal access level for /lock, /unlock, /invite and /uninvite team management. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VIEW_CHATS | 2 | Players with access level equal to or lower than this are able to see messages sent from the same access leveled player. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMAND | 1 | Minimal access level required to issue command votes. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTE | 1 | Minimal access level successful command votes will be executed at. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDE | 1 | Minimal access level required to issue include votes. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDE_EXECUTE | 1 | Minimal access level successful include votes will be executed at. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_KICK | 20 | Minimal access level required to issue kick votes. |
ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_SUSPEND | 20 | Minimal access level required to issue suspend votes. |
ADD_HELP_TOPIC | | Add a new help topic to be used with /help. Usage: ADD_HELP_TOPIC <topic> <short description> <text> |
ADD_MASTER_SERVER | | Announce this server to another master server. Usage: ADD_MASTER_SERVER host port(optional, default=4533). |
ADD_SCORE_PLAYER | | Give/Take points for that player. Usage: ADD_SCORE_PLAYER [name] [points] [message]. |
ADD_SCORE_TEAM | | Give/Take points for that team. Usage: ADD_SCORE_PLAYER [name] [points] [message]. |
ADMINS | | Lists the server admins. You should use /admins or /listadmins instead of this. |
ADMIN_KILL_MESSAGE | 1 | If set to 1, announce when players get killed due to the command "KILL" |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_BLUE | 0 | Blue color component to the best access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_GREEN | 0 | Green color component to the best access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_BEST_RED | 15 | Red color component to the best access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_BLUE | 7 | Blue color component to the worst access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_GREEN | 15 | Green color component to the worst access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_COLORS_WORST_RED | 15 | Red color component to the worst access level listed by /admins |
ADMIN_LIST_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL | 2 | Minimal access level to be shown in /admins |
ADMIN_LOG | 0 | Write all admin chat commands to var/adminlog.txt (Works only in a server) |
ADMIN_NAME | Admin | The name to speak as when using the command "SAY". |
AI_IQ | 50 | IQ of the AI opponents |
ALLOW_CONTROL_DURING_CHAT | 0 | If set to 1, this allows a player to issue cycle and camera control commands during chat (losing the chatbot and the yellow chat pyramid). |
ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_CLIENT | 0 | If set to 1, this allows two players that play on the same client to fight for points with each other. |
ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_IP | 0 | If set to 1, this allows two players that apparently come from the same machine to fight for points with each other. |
ALLOW_IMPOSTERS | 0 | If set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed. |
ALLOW_IMPOSTORS | 0 | If set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed. |
ALLOW_RENAME_PLAYER | | Gives the given player the ability to rename. |
ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE | 1 | If set to 1, all players can change teams. If set to 0, players can only change teams if they've been specifically allowed to by ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYER |
ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYER | | Allow a specific player to change teams even if ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE is disabled |
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_COLOR | 1 | Allow a team to be named after a color |
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_LEADER | 0 | Allow team leader to set a team. |
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYER | 1 | Allow a team to be named after the leading player |
ALLOW_VOTING | 1 | If set to 1, voting will be allowed for players. |
ALLOW_VOTING_SPECTATOR | 0 | If set to 1, voting will be allowed for spectators. |
ALPHA_BLEND | 1 | Enable alpha blending |
ANNOUNCE | | Use like a public announcement. Displays Announcement: [message] |
ANTI_SPOOF | 0 | If set to 1, checks connecting clients for spoofed IPs. Only clients passing a connectivity test are allowed in. This is done in turtle mode automatically, but may be useful to have on at all times. |
ARENA_AXES | 4 | In how many directions a cycle can turn 4 is the default, 6 is hexatron |
ARENA_AXES_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when ARENA_AXES differs from its default? |
ARENA_BOUNDARY | -20 | This is the distance players can travel outside the arena boundary. |
ARENA_BOUNDARY_KILL | 1 | If set to 1, Players beyond the ARENA_BOUNDARY will be killed. |
ARMAGETRON_LAST_SCREENMODE | 0 | Last screen resolution |
ARMAGETRON_SCREENMODE | 0 | Screen resolution |
AUTHORITY_BLACKLIST | | Comma separated list of authorities your server should refuse to query. |
AUTHORITY_LEVEL | | Changes the access level for all users from the same authority. Mainly only useful for private authorities. |
AUTHORITY_WHITELIST | | If non-empty, only authorities on this comma separated list will be queried by your server. |
AUTO_AIS | 0 | Automatically spawn AI players? |
AUTO_IQ | 0 | Automatically adjust AI IQ? |
AUTO_SUBSTITUTION | 0 | If set to 1, players will be substituted when leaving. |
AUTO_TEAM | 1 | Flag indicating whether players should be put into teams automatically. |
AUTO_TEAM_SPEC_SPAM | 1 | If set to 0, spectators won't be announced when joining or leaving, provided AUTO_TEAM is set to 0. |
AXES_INDICATOR | 1 | Should the Axis Indicator be rendered? |
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY | 1000 | Maximum number of old protocol versions to support. |
BALLS_BOUNCE_ON_CYCLE_WALLS | 0 | Flag indicating whether balls can bounce off cycle walls |
BALLS_INTERACT | 0 | Flag indicating whether balls can bounce off one another |
BALL_AUTORESPAWN | 1 | Flag indicating whether balls should automatically respawn when goal is scored |
BALL_CYCLE_ACCEL_BOOST | 0 | Boost Cycle gives the ball when colliding |
BALL_KILLS | 0 | Flag indicating if a team owned ball can kill opposing team players |
BALL_SPEED_DECAY | 0 | Rate at which the ball slows down |
BALL_TEAM_MODE | 0 | Flag 0=ball score other team, 1=ball score only team owner |
BAN | | Bans the specified player from the server (kicks him first) for a variable time in minutes. |
BANNED_WORDS | | The list of words banned for various reasons. |
BANNED_WORDS_ADD | | Add a word to the banned words list. |
BANNED_WORDS_DELIMITERS | `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}|;':",./<>? | The delimiters to remove from in the messages in case people encased banned words in them. |
BANNED_WORDS_LIST | | Display the list of words currently banned. |
BANNED_WORDS_OPTIONS | 0 | 0: disable. 1: Block and alert message to sender. 2: Replace bad word with chosen character(s). |
BANNED_WORDS_REMOVE | | Remove a word from the banned words list. |
BAN_IP | | Bans the specified IP address from the server for a variable time. |
BAN_LIST | | Prints a list of currently banned IPs. |
BAN_USER | | Allows to ban players based on their authentication ID. |
BAN_USER_LIST | | Gives a list of banned users. |
BASE_ENEMY_KILL | 0 | Flag indicating whether a base will kill enemy players |
BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWN | 0 | Flag indicating whether a base will respawn team if an enemy player enters it |
BASE_RESPAWN | 0 | Flag indicating whether a base will respawn team if a team player enters it |
BASE_RESPAWN_REMIND_TIME | -1 | Time between respawn reminders |
BIG_BROTHER | 0 | Did we already send the big brother information? |
BOOKMARK_0_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 1st server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_0_NAME | 0x0099ffAlpha | f0099Project 0xffff7f- 0x0099ffLOVER0x88ff22$0xff00ffBOY0xff7700s 0xffffffHells 0xffa900Racing # Name of the 1st server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_0_PORT | 4535 | Server port of the 1st server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_10_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 11th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_10_NAME | | Name of the 11th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_10_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 11th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_1_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 2nd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_1_NAME | | Name of the 2nd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_1_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 2nd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_2_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 3rd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_2_NAME | | Name of the 3rd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_2_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 3rd server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_3_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 4th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_3_NAME | | Name of the 4th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_3_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 4th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_4_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 5th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_4_NAME | | Name of the 5th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_4_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 5th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_5_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 6th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_5_NAME | | Name of the 6th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_5_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 6th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_6_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 7th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_6_NAME | | Name of the 7th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_6_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 7th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_7_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 8th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_7_NAME | | Name of the 8th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_7_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 8th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_8_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 9th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_8_NAME | | Name of the 9th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_8_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 9th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_9_ADDRESS | | Server address of the 10th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_9_NAME | | Name of the 10th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK_9_PORT | 4534 | Server port of the 10th server bookmark |
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_ADDRESS | | Address of the first subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_NAME | | Name of the first subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER0_PORT | 4534 | Port of the first subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_ADDRESS | | Address of the 11th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_NAME | | Name of the 11th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER10_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 11th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_ADDRESS | | Address of the second subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_NAME | | Name of the second subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER1_PORT | 4534 | Port of the second subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_ADDRESS | | Address of the 3rd subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_NAME | | Name of the 3rd subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER2_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 3rd subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_ADDRESS | | Address of the 4th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_NAME | | Name of the 4th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER3_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 4th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_ADDRESS | | Address of the 5th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_NAME | | Name of the 5th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER4_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 5th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_ADDRESS | | Address of the 6th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_NAME | | Name of the 6th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER5_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 6th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_ADDRESS | | Address of the 7th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_NAME | | Name of the 7th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER6_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 7th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_ADDRESS | | Address of the 8th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_NAME | | Name of the 8th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER7_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 8th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_ADDRESS | | Address of the 9th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_NAME | | Name of the 9th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER8_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 9th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_ADDRESS | | Address of the 10th subculture master |
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_NAME | | Name of the 10th subculture |
BOOKMARK__MASTER9_PORT | 4534 | Port of the 10th subculture master |
BOOT | | Kicks the specified player from the server. |
BUG_COLOR_OVERFLOW | 1 | Allows the player's colors to overflow and wrap around for the cycle, allowing different colors for cycle and trail. |
BUG_RIP | 0 | Allows the rim wall to be ripped open by a VERY close grind. |
BUG_TRANSPARENCY | | Unsupported: make all rim walls semi-transparent by rendering them without occlusion tests |
BUG_TRANSPARENCY_DEMAND | | Unsupported: use transparency instead of lowering walls |
BUG_TUNNEL | 0 | Allows players to pass through walls on odd occasions. |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK | 6 | Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK_FROMSPEED | 0.5 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK. |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_PITCH | -0.58 | Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down? |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE | 4 | Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE_FROMSPEED | 0.4 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE. |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED | 4 | Speed the custom camera turns with |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED_180 | 4 | Extra factor to CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED after a quick reverse |
CAMERA_CUSTOM_ZOOM | 0 | Position of the custom camera: how much the camera zooms in your cycle at the beginning of the round (to show the team's formation |
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_X | -30 | Start position of the fixed external camera |
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Y | -30 | Start position of the fixed external camera |
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Z | 80 | Start position of the fixed external camera |
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOM | 0 | Forbids the use of the custom camera on all clients |
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOM_GLANCE | 0 | Forbids use of special glance camera settings |
CAMERA_FORBID_FOLLOW | 0 | Forbids the use of the fixed external camera on all clients |
CAMERA_FORBID_FREE | 0 | Forbids the use of the free camera on all clients |
CAMERA_FORBID_IN | 0 | Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients |
CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOM | 1 | Forbids the use of the server custom camera |
CAMERA_FORBID_SMART | 0 | Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients |
CAMERA_FREE_START_X | 10 | Start position of the free camera |
CAMERA_FREE_START_Y | -70 | Start position of the free camera |
CAMERA_FREE_START_Z | 100 | Start position of the free camera |
CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK | 6 | Position of the glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? |
CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK_FROMSPEED | 0.5 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK. |
CAMERA_GLANCE_PITCH | -0.58 | Position of the glance camera: how much does it look up/down? |
CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE | 4 | Position of the glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? |
CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE_FROMSPEED | 0.4 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE. |
CAMERA_IN_TURN_SPEED | 40 | Speed the internal camera turns with |
CAMERA_OVERRIDE_CUSTOM_GLANCE | 0 | Overrides custom glance settings with values from the server |
CAMERA_OVERRIDE_CUSTOM_GLANCE_SERVER_CUSTOM | 0 | Overrides custom glance settings with values from the server only for the server custom camera |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK | 30 | Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK_FROMSPEED | 0 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK. |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_PITCH | -0.7 | Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down? |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE | 20 | Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE_FROMSPEED | 0 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE. |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED | -1 | Speed the server custom camera turns with. Turn values are taken from the client-side settings if this is negative. |
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED_180 | 4 | Extra factor to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED after a quick reverse |
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK | 30 | Position of the server glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? |
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK_FROMSPEED | 0 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK. |
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_PITCH | -0.7 | Position of the server glance camera: how much does it look up/down? |
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE | 20 | Position of the server glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? |
CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE_FROMSPEED | 0 | This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE. |
CAMERA_SMART_START_X | 10 | Start position of the smart camera |
CAMERA_SMART_START_Y | 30 | Start position of the smart camera |
CAMERA_SMART_START_Z | 2 | Start position of the smart camera |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_CLIP_SPEED | 40 | Speed with which the visibility targets is brought into view |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_EXTENSION | 1 | Distance (measured in seconds, gets multiplied by speed) of the visibility targets from the watched object |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_LOWER_WALL | 1 | If set to 1, walls are lowered when they block the view and the camera is not moved |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_LOWER_WALL_SMART | 0 | Like CAMERA_VISIBILITY_LOWER_WALL, but special setting for the smart camera |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_RECOVERY_SPEED | 1 | The speed the external visibility targets recovers from wall hits |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_SIDESKEW | 0.5 | Extra forward component of the sideways visibility targets |
CAMERA_VISIBILITY_WALL_DISTANCE | 0.5 | The distance the visibility targets keep from walls |
CASACL | | For the duration of the rest of the configuration file this directive appears in, elevate the access level. |
CENTER_MESSAGE | | Prints a big message on the screen of all connected clients. |
CFG_USER_SAVE | 1 | Can the user.cfg be saved after work? |
CHATBOT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE | 0 | if set to 1, the chatbot is active all of the time |
CHATBOT_DECAY | 0.02 | rate at which the quality of the chatbot decays over time |
CHATBOT_DELAY | 0.5 | time between entering chat and chatbot activation |
CHATBOT_MIN_TIMESTEP | 0.3 | minimal time in seconds between chatbot thoughts |
CHATBOT_NEW_WALL_BLINDNESS | 0.3 | the chatbot won't see walls that were built less than this many seconds ago |
CHATBOT_RANGE | 1 | time in seconds the bot is capable of planning ahead |
CHATLOG_WRITE_TEAM | 0 | Write /team messages to chatlog [1: on | 0:off] |
CHATTERS_KILL | | All players in chat mode are killed by an administrator. |
CHATTERS_LIST | | All players in chat mode are listed. |
CHATTERS_SILENCE | | All players in chat mode are silenced by an administrator. |
CHATTERS_SUSPEND | | All players in chat mode are suspended for this-many rounds by an administrator. |
CHATTER_REMOVE_TIME | 180 | Time in seconds after which a permanent chatter is removed from the game |
CHAT_LOG | 0 | Write machine parsable chat messages to var/chatlog.txt |
CHAT_LOG_COLORS | 0 | Writes chat messages to var/chatlog_colors.txt |
CHECK_ERRORS | 1 | Listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist |
CLEAR_CHATLOG | | Clear all data from chatlog.txt located in ./var folder. |
CLEAR_LADDERLOG | | Clear all data from ladderlog.txt located in ./var folder. |
CLEAR_REPORTS | | Clear all data from reports.txt located in ./var folder. |
CLEAR_SCORELOG | | Clear all data from scorelog.txt located in ./var folder. |
CLIENT_PORT | 4534 | Port we try to connect to |
COLLAPSE_ALL | | Causes all zones to vanish smoothly. |
COLLAPSE_ZONE | | collapse a zone |
COLLAPSE_ZONE_ID | | Collapse the zone by the given ID. |
COLORDEPTH | 1 | Color depth to use (0: 16 1: desktop 2: 24) |
COLOR_DEATHZONE_BLUE | 0 | Default: 0, blue portion of the zone's color |
COLOR_DEATHZONE_GREEN | 0 | Default: 0, green portion of the zone's color |
COLOR_DEATHZONE_RED | 15 | Default: 15, red portion of the zone's color |
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_BLUE | 3 | color_rubberzone_blue_help |
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_GREEN | 10.5 | color_rubberzone_green_help |
COLOR_RUBBERZONE_RED | 15 | color_rubberzone_red_help |
COLOR_STRINGS | 1 | Print colored strings |
COLOR_WINZONE_BLUE | 0 | Default: 0, blue portion of the zone's color |
COLOR_WINZONE_GREEN | 15 | Default: 15, green portion of the zone's color |
COLOR_WINZONE_RED | 0 | Default: 0, red portion of the zone's color |
CONDENSE_CONQUEST_OUTPUT | 0 | Condense fort zone conquered output into one line for multiple wiiners. |
CONFIG_ROTATION | | A list of config files to rotate through, with values separated by semicolons. Optionally you can enter in the round like this: config|round_number; |
CONFIG_ROTATION_ADD | | Add a config item to the CONFIG_ROTATION list of items. Optionally you can also add in the round of selection. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_ADD <config>{|round_number} |
CONFIG_ROTATION_LOAD | | Loads the selected config from it's designated id from the list of CONFIG_ROTATION items. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_LOAD <config_id> |
CONFIG_ROTATION_REMOVE | | Removed the selected config from the list of CONFIG_ROTATION items. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_REMOVE <config> |
CONFIG_ROTATION_SET | | Set the selected config to the round provided. Usage: CONFIG_ROTATION_SET <config> <round> |
CONFIG_ROTATION_TYPE | 0 | How will the CONFIG_ROTATION files load? 0-INCLUDE or 1-RINCLUDE?; Default: 0 |
CONFIG_STORAGE | | Is mainly use for non-rotation purposes, queue mainly. Usage is similar to CONFIG_ROTATION, except without round. |
CONNECTION_FLOOD_SENSITIVITY | 0.01 | The times PING_FLOOD_TIME_X, multiplied by this value, count for all incoming messages from clients not connected already. A flood here activates turtle mode. Negative values disable global flood protection. |
CONNECTION_LIMIT | 100 | Maximum number of packets from unknown peers to handle at one |
CONSOLE_DECORATE_ID | 1 | Decorates every line of console output with the client ID |
CONSOLE_DECORATE_IP | 0 | Decorates every line of console output with the client IP |
CONSOLE_DECORATE_TIMESTAMP | 0 | Decorates every line of console output with the current date and time |
CONSOLE_LADDER_LOG | 0 | Sends ladder log output to the console |
CONSOLE_LOG | 0 | Write all console messages to var/consolelog.txt |
CONSOLE_MESSAGE | | Prints a message on the console of all connected clients. |
CONSOLE_ROWS | 5 | Number of lines of console output without user intervention |
CONSOLE_ROWS_MAX | 19 | Number of lines of console output when scrolling back |
CUSTOM_AUTHORITY | | The custom authority to trigger when a player tries to login. |
CUSTOM_AUTHORITY_CONNECTION | | The link to connect to when using custom authority. Do not include "http://". |
CUSTOM_AUTHORITY_ENABLED | 0 | If set to 1 and CUSTOM_AUTHORITY is found, then CUSTOM_AUTHORITY_CONNECTION will be used to connect. |
CUSTOM_CENTER_MESSAGE | | Send custom message in the form of a center message.USAGE: CUSTOM_CENTER_MESSAGE ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ... |
CUSTOM_CONFIGS | | List of configs, seperated by ;, to load during the star-up of the client/server. |
CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMANDS | | Contains the list of commands to be executed as chat commands: Usage: CUSTOM_INVALID_COMMANDS {command_method1};{command_method2}; |
CUSTOM_MESSAGE | | Send custom message using language string commands. Have spaces between each parameter.Usage: CUSTOM_MESSAGE ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ... |
CUSTOM_PLAYER_MESSAGE | | Send custom message to player using language string commands. Have spaces between each parameter.Usage: CUSTOM_MESSAGE_PLAYER [player] ${language_string} param1 param2 param3 ... |
CUSTOM_SCREEN_ASPECT | 1 | Custom screen aspect ratio ( pixel width/pixel height) |
CUSTOM_SCREEN_HEIGHT | 200 | Custom screen size |
CUSTOM_SCREEN_WIDTH | 320 | Custom screen size |
CUSTOM_SERVER_NAME | | Name of the server to connect to |
CUSTOM_SHORTHAND | | The custom authority to trigger when a player tries to login. |
CUSTOM_SHORTHAND_CONNECTION | | The link to connect to when using custom shorthand. Do not include "http://". |
CUSTOM_SHORTHAND_ENABLED | 0 | If set to 1 and CUSTOM_SHORTHAND is found, then CUSTOM_SHORTHAND_CONNECTION will be used to connect. |
CYCLE_ACCEL | 10 | Wall acceleration factor |
CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMY | 1 | Multiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your enemies' walls |
CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMY_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_ENEMY differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ACCEL_OFFSET | 2 | Minimum numeric wall distance, must be positive |
CYCLE_ACCEL_RIM | 0 | Multiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for the rim walls |
CYCLE_ACCEL_RIM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_RIM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ACCEL_SELF | 1 | Multiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your own wall |
CYCLE_ACCEL_SELF_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_SELF differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOT | 1 | Multiplicator to the total effect of CYCLE_ACCEL, if the cycle is between its own wall and another wall |
CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOT_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_SLINGSHOT differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM | 1 | Multiplicator to CYCLE_ACCEL for your teammates' walls |
CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNEL | 1 | Multiplicator to the total effect of CYCLE_ACCEL, if the cycle is between two walls not created by it |
CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNEL_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_ACCEL_TUNNEL differs from its default? |
CYCLE_AVOID_OLDCLIENT_BAD_SYNC | 0 | If set to 1, old clients will not get sync messages in situations that are known to confuse them |
CYCLE_BLINK_FREQUENCY | 10 | Frequency in Hz an invulnerable cycle blinks with. |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMY | 1 | Factor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from an enemy wall |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMY_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_ENEMY differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIM | 1 | Factor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from the rim wall |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_RIM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELF | 1 | Factor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from your own wall |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELF_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_SELF differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAM | 1 | Factor your speed is multiplied with when breaking from a teammate's wall |
CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOSTFACTOR_TEAM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMY | 0 | Speed boost when breaking from an enemy wall |
CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMY_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_ENEMY differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOST_RIM | 0 | Speed boost when breaking from the rim wall |
CYCLE_BOOST_RIM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_RIM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOST_SELF | 0 | Speed boost when breaking from your own wall |
CYCLE_BOOST_SELF_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_SELF differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BOOST_TEAM | 0 | Speed boost when breaking from a teammate's wall |
CYCLE_BOOST_TEAM_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_BOOST_TEAM differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BRAKE | 30 | Brake intensity |
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE | 1 | Rate at which the brake reservoir depletes when you are braking |
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE differs from its default? |
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL | 0.1 | Rate at which the brake reservoir refills when you are not braking |
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL differs from its default? |
CYCLE_DELAY | 0.1 | Minimum time between turns (must be greater than 0) |
CYCLE_DELAY_BONUS | 0.95 | Extra fudge factor to CYCLE_DELAY applied on the dedicated server only. |
CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUS | 1 | Factor CYCLE_DELAY is multiplied with for consecutive turns in the same direction |
CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUS_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_DELAY_DOUBLEBIND_BONUS differs from its default? |
CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED | 1 | Turn delays will be based on the time since the last turn if this is 1 (default) and the distance if this is 0. Intermediate values and values out of these bounds are supported as well. |
CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED differs from its default? |
CYCLE_DIST_WALL_SHRINK | 0 | Distance multiplier in wall length calculation. All values are legal. See settings.cfg for full docs. |
CYCLE_DIST_WALL_SHRINK_OFFSET | 0 | Distance offset in wall length calculation. See settings.cfg for full docs. |
CYCLE_EXPLOSION_RADIUS | 4 | Radious of the explosion when a cycle gets destroyed. |
CYCLE_FAIR_ANTILAG | 1 | If set to 1, this deactivates the anti lag-sliding code when old clients are connected |
CYCLE_FIRST_SPAWN_PROTECTION | 0 | Set to 1 if the invulnerability and wall delay should already be active on the initial spawn at the beginning of a round. |
CYCLE_INVULNERABLE_TIME | 0 | Time in seconds a cycle is invulnerable after a respawn. |
CYCLE_MAX_REFCOUNT | 30000 | Maximum allowed reference count on cycles before they self destruct. This setting is to protect against performance related DOS attacks. |
CYCLE_PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE | 0 | Cycle death is prevented as long as the player's failure to turn can be explained by the loss of this many network packets. Enabling this allows cheating. |
CYCLE_PING_RUBBER | 3 | Additional niceness for high ping players |
CYCLE_RUBBER | 1 | Niceness factor to allow you drive really close to a wall |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY | 0 | During this fraction of the cycle delay time after each turn, rubber efficiency will be multiplied with CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS | 0.5 | Factor for CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY rubber efficiency. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_ENEMY | 1 | If set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting enemys' tails. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_RIM | 1 | If set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting rim walls. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_SELF | 1 | If set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting their own tails. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_DEPLETE_TEAM | 1 | If set to 1, rubber depletes for players when hitting their teams' tails. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_LEGACY | 0 | Revert to old, framerate dependent and old-clients-ripping, rubber code if old clients are present. Old means <= here. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MALUS_TURN_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MALUS_TURN differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUST | 0.05 | When adjusting to or 180ing into a wall, allow going closer by at least this amount (relative to the last distance) |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUST_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MINADJUST differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE | 0.001 | The minimal distance rubber code keeps you from the wall in front of you |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP | 0 | If > 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE effectively is never taken to be bigger than this value times the size of any detected gaps the cycle can squeeze through. For "Open" gameplay. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_BACKDOOR | 0 | If > 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE effectively is never taken to be bigger than this value times the size of any detected backdoor gaps the cycle can squeeze through. For "Open" gameplay. If = 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP applies to backdoors, too. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_GAP_SIDE | 0.5 | Gap detection only sees gaps that the cycle may reach in no less than this many seconds. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_LEGACY | 1 | Extra factor for minimal distance to walls enforced by the rubber code, active when peers with the rip bug are connected |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_PREPARATION | 0.2 | Timescale in seconds a cycle's last turn time is compared with to determine the effect of CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_UNPREPARED. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RATIO | 0.0001 | Additional distance to CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE for every length unit of the wall you have in front of you |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RATIO_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RATIO differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_RESERVOIR | 0.005 | Additional distance if you have an empty rubber meter (gets faded out gradually as you use up all your rubber) |
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_UNPREPARED | 0.005 | Additional distance for unprepared grinds; it gets applied when the cycle's last turn was just a fraction of a second ago and faded out preparation times larger than CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_PREPARATION. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEED | 40 | Logarithmic speed of wall approximation when rubber is in effect (every second, you get closer to the wall by a factor of ~0.4^{this value}) |
CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEED_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_SPEED differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIME | 10 | Timescale rubber is restored on. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASED | 0 | Rubber usage is based on distance travelled if this is 0 (default) and the time passed if this is 1. Intermediate values and values out of these bounds are supported as well. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASED_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_TIMEBASED differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_TIME_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_TIME differs from its default? |
CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK | 0 | With finite length trails, the used rubber is multiplied with this value and the result is subtracted from the wall length. |
CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK differs from its default? |
CYCLE_SMOOTH_MIN_SPEED | 0.2 | Minimum speed of smooth correction relative to cycle speed. |
CYCLE_SMOOTH_THRESHOLD | 0.2 | Only syncs that differ from your position by less than this amount (measured in speed) will be handled smoothly, bigger differences will be applied instantly. |
CYCLE_SMOOTH_TIME | 0.3 | Timescale for smoothing options. Increasing this will make interpolation smoother, but less accurate. Decreasing it will make network synchronization jumpy. |
CYCLE_SOUND_SPEED | 30 | Sound speed divisor |
CYCLE_SPEED | 30 | Basic speed of your cycle if you drive straight and not close to walls |
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVE | 0.1 | Rate of cycle speed approaching the value of CYCLE_SPEED from above |
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_ABOVE differs from its default? |
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOW | 5 | Rate of cycle speed approaching the value of CYCLE_SPEED from below |
CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOW_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_DECAY_BELOW differs from its default? |
CYCLE_SPEED_MAX | 0 | Maximal speed of your cycle, measured relative to CYCLE_SPEED. A value of 0 means no top speed. |
CYCLE_SPEED_MAX_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_SPEED_MAX differs from its default? |
CYCLE_SPEED_MIN | 0.25 | Minimal speed of your cycle, measured relative to CYCLE_SPEED |
CYCLE_SPEED_MIN_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_SPEED_MIN differs from its default? |
CYCLE_START_SPEED | 20 | Initial cycle speed |
CYCLE_SYNC_FF | 10 | Speed of simulation of the extrapolating sync; decrease for lower CPU load, but higher effective ping |
CYCLE_SYNC_FF_STEPS | 1 | Number of extrapolation simulation timesteps each real timestep; increase for better accuracy |
CYCLE_SYNC_INTERVAL_ENEMY | 1 | Time in seconds between server-client updates of enemy cycles |
CYCLE_SYNC_INTERVAL_SELF | 0.1 | Time in seconds between server-client updates of enemy cycles owned by the client itself |
CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCE | 0.1 | Maximum time difference of execution of turns on server and client (for clients that send timing information) |
CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_TIME_TOLERANCE differs from its default? |
CYCLE_TURN_MEMORY | 3 | Number of pending turns a cycle will memorize exactly |
CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTOR | 0.95 | Factor the speed of a lightcycle is multiplied with when turning |
CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTOR_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when CYCLE_TURN_SPEED_FACTOR differs from its default? |
CYCLE_WALLS_LENGTH | -1 | The length of the tails, automatically sets current wall length to the given length during round. |
CYCLE_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY | 8 | The number of seconds the tails remain on the field after their owner is dead. |
CYCLE_WALL_NEAR | 6 | Maximum accelerating wall distance |
CYCLE_WALL_TIME | 0 | Time in seconds a cycle does not make a wall after a respawn. Values below 0 disable wall building. |
CYCLE_WIDTH | 0 | The width of the cycle collision object. It can only squeeze through tunnels wider than that without taking harm. |
CYCLE_WIDTH_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH differs from its default? |
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAX | 1 | If the cycle_width conditions are massively violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall. |
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAX_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MAX differs from its default? |
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MIN | 1 | If the cycle_width conditions are barely violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall. |
CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MIN_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_RUBBER_MIN differs from its default? |
CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDE | 0 | Minimum distance of a cycle to a wall on either side before it takes harm. |
CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients if CYCLE_WIDTH_SIDE differs from its default? |
CYCLE_ZONES_APPROCH | 100 | The distance a cycle can approch the zone without trigging the OnNear() event. |
CYCLE_ZONES_AVOID | 0 | If set to 1, cycles will do their best at avoiding the zone. Is slightly buggy but works often. |
DEADLY_EXPLOSIONS | 0 | Should cycles in the blast radius of an explosion be destroyed? |
DEATHZONE_RANDOM_COLORS | 0 | Default: 0; If set to 1, deathzones will have their colors by randomness. |
DEATHZONE_ROTATION | 0 | If set to 1, DEATHZONE_ROTATION_SPEED will be used for the speed of deathzones. |
DEATHZONE_ROTATION_SPEED | 0.3 | The speed at which the rotation of the deathzones. Negative values cause it to spin in the other way. |
DEATH_SHOT | 1 | If set to 1, killed players will release a death shot if they had been about to shoot. |
DECLARE_ROUND_WINNER | | Declares round winner. USAGE: DECLARE_ROUND_WINNER [player]. |
DEDICATED_FPS | 40 | Maximum simulation steps per second the dedicated server will perform |
DEDICATED_FPS_IDLE_FACTOR | 2 | Number of times per frame the server should check whether simulation can be done if no network input is coming |
DEDICATED_IDLE | 0 | After running this time (in hours), the dedicated server takes the next chance to quit. |
DEFAULT_EXECUTION_LEVEL | 1 | At what level should the default execution level be set to? Default: 1 (Administrato) |
DEFAULT_KICK_REASON | | The reason given to a player kicked by KICK if none is specified. |
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_PORT | 4534 | Default server port a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO. |
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_REASON | | The reason given to a player kicked by KICK_TO or MOVE_TO if none is specified. |
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_SERVER | | # Default server IP/name a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO. |
DEFAULT_OWNER_LEVEL | 0 | At what level should the owner of the server level be set to? Default: 0 (Owner) |
DEFAULT_SHOUT_PLAYER | 1 | 1 if the default chat action for players should be shouting, 0 if it should be team chat. 2 if the default action should be shouting and the access level requirement should be overridden. |
DEFAULT_SHOUT_SPECTATOR | 1 | 1 if the default chat action for spectators should be shouting, 0 if it should be spectator chat. 2 if the default action should be shouting and the access level requirement should be overridden. |
DELAY_COMMAND | | A command to execute at given time. Usage: DELAY_COMMAND [time] [command] [parameters] ... |
DELAY_COMMAND_CLEAR | | Clears all delayed command from cache. |
DESTROY_ALL | | Causes all zones to vanish instantly. |
DESTROY_ZONE | | Destroy, simply meaning: causes the zone with the given name to disappear instantly. |
DESTROY_ZONE_ID | | Destroy, simply meaning: causes the zone with the given id to disappear instantly. |
DISALLOW_RENAME_PLAYER | | Prevents the given player from rename-ing. |
DISPLAY_MAP_AUTHOR | 1 | If set to 1, displays the map's author. |
DISPLAY_MAP_AXES | 1 | If set to 1, displays the map's axes. |
DISPLAY_MAP_DETAILS | 0 | Display the map's details for everyone to view. |
DISPLAY_MAP_NAME | 1 | If set to 1, displays the map's name. |
DISPLAY_MAP_VERSION | 1 | If set to 1, displays the map's version. |
DISPLAY_SCORES_DURING_CHAT | 0 | If set to 1, score board will appear during chat when we hit the "TAB" button on our keyboard. |
DITHER | 1 | Use dithering |
DOUBLEBIND_TIME | -10 | Time in seconds during which no two different keyboard events can trigger the same action |
DOUBLEBIND_TIME_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when DOUBLEBIND_TIME differs from its default? |
ENABLE_CHAT | 1 | If set to 0, all chat will be suppressed (if reset on the server, messages from logged in players and private/team messages are still shown) |
ENABLE_FRIENDS | 1 | Turn on/off mates filtering. |
ENABLE_FRIENDS_CASING | 1 | If set to 1, matching friends will appear. If set to 0, no matter what casing it is, names with our friends will appear. |
ENEMY_CHATBOT_PENALTY | 30 | Penalty in seconds if the victim is in chatbot state and the enemy influence is just the chatbot evading a wall |
ENEMY_CURRENTTIME_INFLUENCE | 0 | If set to 1, not the build time of the encountered wall, but the current time enters the comparison of enemy influences. Arbitrary blending values are allowed. |
ENEMY_DEAD_PENALTY | 0 | Penalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection comes from a dead player |
ENEMY_SUICIDE_TIMEOUT | 10000 | If no enemy influence can be found for the last this many seconds, a player's death counts as a suicide. |
ENEMY_TEAMMATE_PENALTY | 2500 | Penalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection is from a teammate |
EXIT | | Shuts the dedicated server down and quits. |
EXPLOSION | 1 | Enable explosions? |
EXPLOSION_RADIUS | 4 | Blast radius of the cycle explosions |
EXTRA_ROUND_TIME | 0 | Length of an extra pause at the beginning of the round |
FADEOUT_NAME_DELAY | | Time the player names are shown. Set to 0 if you don't want to show them at all or -1 if you want to show them always. |
FAILED_ATTEMPTS | 0 | Number of failed attempts to initialize graphics mode |
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEP | 1 | Maximum recording time between rendered frames in fast forward mode |
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEP_REAL | 0.05 | Maximum real time between rendered frames in fast forward mode |
FAST_FORWARD_MAXSTEP_REL | 0.1 | Maximum fraction of the time left until the end of FF mode between rendered frames |
FILTER_COLOR_NAMES | 0 | Filter color codes from player names. |
FILTER_COLOR_SERVER_NAMES | 0 | Filter color codes from server names in the server browser. |
FILTER_COLOR_STRINGS | 0 | Filter color codes from strings coming in over the network. |
FILTER_COLOR_TEAM | 0 | Filter color codes from /team messages. |
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_NAMES | 0 | Filter dark color codes from player names. |
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_SERVER_NAMES | 1 | Filter dark color codes from server names in the server browser. |
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_STRINGS | 0 | Filter dark color codes from strings coming in over the network. |
FILTER_DARK_COLOR_TEAM | 0 | Filter dark color codes from /team messages. |
FILTER_NAME_ENDS | 1 | Filter whitespace and other junk from beginnings and ends of player names. |
FILTER_NAME_MIDDLE | 1 | Filter excess whitespace and other junk from the middle of player names. |
FINISH_TYPE | 2 | What happens when the last human is dead? |
FIRST_USE | 0 | Is this the first time you use @progtitle@? |
FLAG_BLINK_END | 1 | Percentage of the flag radius to end the flag blink at. |
FLAG_BLINK_ESTIMATE_POSITION | 0.6 | 0 to start the flag blink at the current player position, 1 to start the flag blink where the player would be at the end of the blink at current speed and direction |
FLAG_BLINK_ON_TIME | 0.3 | Time in seconds that flag is on in a blink (not recommended to set this below 0.1) |
FLAG_BLINK_START | 0.2 | Percentage of the flag radius to start the flag blink at. |
FLAG_BLINK_TIME | 1.5 | Time in seconds between flag blinking over player with the flag, -1 to disable |
FLAG_BLINK_TRACK_TIME | -1 | If set above zero, this tracks the cycle position and speed at the rate defined by this setting. it is not recommended to set this below 0.1 for lag reasons. |
FLAG_CHAT_BLINK_TIME | -1 | Time in seconds that the chat triangle above a player with a flag will blink, -1 to disable |
FLAG_COLOR_B | -1 | (0-15) blue color for a neutral flag |
FLAG_COLOR_G | -1 | (0-15) green color for a neutral flag |
FLAG_COLOR_R | -1 | (0-15) red color for a neutral flag |
FLAG_CONQUEST_WINS_ROUND | 0 | Flag indicating whether capturing the flag wins the round or not |
FLAG_DROP_HOME | 0 | Flag indicating whether dropping the flag sends it home |
FLAG_DROP_TIME | -1 | If positive, enables player to drop flag by chatting "/drop". value is the number of seconds they can't pick up the flag afterwards, 2-3 recommended. |
FLAG_HOLD_SCORE | 1 | Points given for holding the flag see FLAG_HOLD_SCORE_TIME |
FLAG_HOLD_SCORE_TIME | -1 | Seconds until points are awarded for holding the flag see FLAG_HOLD_SCORE |
FLAG_HOLD_TIME | -1 | Time in seconds that the player can hold the flag before it is returned home, -1 to disable |
FLAG_HOME_RANDOMNESS_X | -1 | Y direction the flag can vary from its starting spot when returned. |
FLAG_HOME_RANDOMNESS_Y | -1 | X direction the flag can vary from its starting spot when returned. |
FLAG_PASS_DISTANCE | 5 | The distance in which the team member should be in order to receive the flag. |
FLAG_PASS_MODE | 0 | The mode of selection for passing the flag; o-disable, 1-closest, 2-furthest, 3-distance, 4-name. |
FLAG_PASS_SPEED | 30 | The speed at which the flag should be passed (+ the speed the receive is travelling at). |
FLAG_REQUIRED_HOME | 1 | Flag indicating whether flags need to be home to score |
FLAG_TEAM | 1 | 0 - Flags are neutral, 1 Flags have team that own them |
FLOOR_BLUE | 0.2 | Floor color |
FLOOR_DETAIL | 3 | Floor detail settings |
FLOOR_GREEN | 0.2 | Floor color |
FLOOR_MIRROR | 0 | Floor mirror mode |
FLOOR_MIRROR_INT | | Intensity of the floor mirror effect |
FLOOR_RED | 0.2 | Floor color |
FONT_SMALL_THRESHOLD_HEIGHT | 8 | Minimal pixel size of small font |
FONT_SMALL_THRESHOLD_WIDTH | 5 | Minimal pixel size of small font |
FORCE_TURTLE_MODE | 0 | Forces turtle mode, usually only active while a server is under attack. For testing, mainly. |
FORTRESS_COLLAPSE_SPEED | 0.5 | Speed a fortress zone collapses with |
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_DECAY_RATE | 0.1 | Rate a fortress zone "recovers" from being conquered |
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_RATE | 0.5 | Rate a fortress zone gets conquered with for each enemy in it |
FORTRESS_CONQUEST_TIMEOUT | 0 | time without enemy contact that makes a fortress zone collapse harmlessly |
FORTRESS_DEFEND_RATE | 0.25 | Rate a fortress zone "recovers" for each defending player |
FORTRESS_HELD_SCORE | 0 | Score you get for holding your fortress. |
FRIEND_1 | Rage | A friend |
FRIEND_10 | | A friend |
FRIEND_2 | | A friend |
FRIEND_3 | | A friend |
FRIEND_4 | | A friend |
FRIEND_5 | | A friend |
FRIEND_6 | | A friend |
FRIEND_7 | | A friend |
FRIEND_8 | | A friend |
FRIEND_9 | | A friend |
FULLSCREEN | 0 | Fullscreen or windowed mode? |
FULLSCREEN_MESSAGE | | Prints a big message all over the screen, interrupting gameplay for a configurable timeout. Use with care. |
GAME_TIMEOUT | 10 | Base timeout for game state synchronisation; gives approximately the maximum time between rounds. |
GAME_TYPE | 1 | Type of game played. 0 for freestyle, 1 for last team standing and 2 for humans vs. AIs. |
GET_CURRENT_MAP | | Displays the current map players are playing in. |
GIVE_POINTS | | Slaps the given player by granting them with the specified amount of points. Be smart and you may be able to hug your users, too ;) |
GLOBAL_ID | 1 | If set to 1, Global IDs (Armathentication) will be enabled on this server. |
GL_EXTENSIONS | GL_ARB_blend_func_extended | ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control # OpenGL system information |
GL_RENDERER | GeForce | 525M/PCI/SSE2 # OpenGL system information |
GL_VENDOR | NVIDIA | poration # OpenGL system information |
GL_VERSION | 4.1.0 | OpenGL system information |
GOAL_ROUND_END | 1 | Flag indicating whether the round ends when a goal is shot |
GRID_SIZE | 1 | Distance between grid lines |
GRID_SIZE_MOVIEPACK | 2 | Distance between grid lines when moviepack is active |
HASH_METHOD_BLACKLIST | bmd5 | List of hash authentication methods to disable support for. |
HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB | | Message that is displayed before the list of help topics if someone uses /help without arguments |
HELP_MESSAGE | | A help message sent to those calling it. Works through "/help" as well. |
HELP_MESSAGE_TYPE | 0 | Set 0 to use HELP_{ADD|REMOVE}_TOPIC commands. Set 1 to use HELP_MESSAGE. Default: 0; |
HIGHLIGHT_NAME | 0 | If set to 1, when your name appears in messages, it gets highlithed for you to notice. |
HIGH_RIM | 0 | Draw high rim walls |
HISTORY_SIZE_CHAT | 10 | Number of lines kept in the chat history. |
HISTORY_SIZE_CONSOLE | 10 | Number of lines kept in the console history. |
IDLE_KICK_EXEMPT | 0 | Exempt the access_level from being idle kicked. USAGE: IDLE_KICK_EXEMPT [access_level] |
IDLE_KICK_TIME | 0 | Time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked |
IDLE_REMOVE_TIME | 0 | Time in seconds after which an inactive player is removed from the game |
INCLUDE | | Includes the following file |
INFINITY_PLANE | 1 | Use infinite points (Does not work properly on most Windows systems) |
INTERCEPT_COMMANDS | | List of chat commands to accept and log to stdout. |
INTERCEPT_UNKNOWN_COMMANDS | 0 | If 1, accept and log all unknown chat commands. |
KEEP_PLAYER_SLOT | 0 | If set to 1, every time the server gets full, an unworthy spectator is kicked. |
KEEP_WINDOW_ACTIVE | 1 | Keeps rendering active when the program window loses input focus. |
KEYBOARD | | Keyboard settings |
KICK | | Kicks the specified player from the server. |
KICK_TO | | Kicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects him to a different server. |
KILL | | Kill a specific player (as warning before a kick) |
KILL_ALL | | Kills everyone on the grid. |
KILL_ID | | kill_id_help |
KOH_SCORE | 1 | Score given for being the only one in a zone for KOH_SCORE_TIME |
KOH_SCORE_TIME | 5 | The interval that KOH_SCORE is added |
LADDERLOG_DECORATE_TIMESTAMP | 0 | Decorates every line of ladderlog output with the current date and time |
LADDERLOG_ENABLED | 0 | If set to 1, ladderlog output is enabled. |
LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL | -1 | If non-negative, write a line with the current game time to the ladder log every n seconds. |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_COMMAND | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ADMIN_COMMAND <name> <setting> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_LOGIN | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ADMIN_LOGIN [login_name] [ip_address] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ADMIN_LOGOUT | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ADMIN_LOGOUT [login_name] [ip_address] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_AI_POSITIONS | 0 | If set to 1, the team positions for AI Teams will output under "POSITIONS" |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ALL | | Set all the LADDER_LOG_WRITE_* settings to the same value |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_AUTHORITY_BLURB | 1 | Write to ladderlog: AUTHORITY_BLURB <name> <value> <text> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BALL_VANISH | 0 | Write to ladderlog: BALL_VANISH <object id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BASEZONE_CONQUERED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: BASEZONE_CONQUERED <team> <cx> <cy> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BASEZONE_CONQUERER | 1 | Write to ladderlog: BASEZONE_CONQUERER <player> <% of zone> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWN <spawner> <spawned> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_BASE_RESPAWN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: BASE_RESPAWN <spawner> <spawned> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CHAT | 0 | Write to ladderlog: CHAT <chatter> [/me] <chat string> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_COMMAND | 1 | Write to ladderlog: COMMAND <player> <ip> <auth level> <command> <options> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CYCLE_CREATED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: CYCLE_CREATED [auth_name] [posx] [poxy] [dirx] [diry] [team_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_CYCLE_DESTROYED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: CYCLE_DESTROYED [auth_name] [posx] [posy] [dirx] [diry] [team_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATHZONE_ACTIVATED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATHZONE_ACTIVATED [id] [name] [xpos] [ypos] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_DEATHSHOT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_DEATHSHOT <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_EXPLOSION | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_EXPLOSION <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_FRAG | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_FRAG <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_SELF_DESTRUCT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_SELF_DESTRUCT <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_SHOT_FRAG | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_SHOT_FRAG <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_SHOT_TEAMKILL | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_SHOT_TEAMKILL <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_SUICIDE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_SUICIDE <player> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_TEAMKILL | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_TEAMKILL <prey> <predator> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_DEATH_ZOMBIEZONE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: DEATH_ZOMBIEZONE <prey> [predator] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ENCODING | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ENCODING <charset>. Specifies the encoding for data in ladderlog.txt. |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_END_CHALLENGE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: END_CHALLENGE [time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_CONQUEST_ROUND_WIN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_CONQUEST_ROUND_WIN <player> <flag team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_DROP | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_DROP <player> <flag team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_HELD | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_HELD <player> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_RETURN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_RETURN <player> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_SCORE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_SCORE <player> <flag team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_TAKE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_TAKE <player> <flag team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_FLAG_TIMEOUT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: FLAG_TIMEOUT <player> <flag team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_GAME_END | 1 | Write to ladderlog: GAME_END <date and time> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_GAME_TIME | 1 | Write to ladderlog: GAME_TIME <time> (see also: GAME_TIME_INTERVAL) |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_INVALID_COMMAND | 0 | Write to ladderlog: INVALID_COMMAND [command] [player_username] [ip_address] [access_level] [params] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_ENDED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: MATCH_ENDED [time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_SCORE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: MATCH_SCORE [player_score] [player_username] [team_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_SCORE_TEAM | 1 | Write to ladderlog: MATCH_SCORE_TEAM [team_score] [team_name] [sets_won] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_MATCH_WINNER | 1 | Write to ladderlog: MATCH_WINNER <team> <players> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_MATCH | 1 | Write to ladderlog: NEW_MATCH <date and time> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_ROUND | 1 | Write to ladderlog: NEW_ROUND <date and time> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEW_SET | 1 | Write to ladderlog: NEW_SET [current_set] [time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEXT_ROUND | 0 | Write to ladderlog: NEXT_ROUND [next_round_number] [total_rounds] [map_file] [center_message] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_NUM_HUMANS | 0 | Write to ladderlog: NUM_HUMANS <number of humans> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_ENTERED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_ENTERED [zone_id] [zone_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [player_name] [player_pos_x] [player_pos_y] [player_direction_x] [player_direction_y] [game_time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_LEFT | 0 | Write to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_PLAYER_LEFT [zone_id] [zone_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [player_name] [player_pos_x] [player_pos_y] [player_direction_x] [player_direction_y] [game_time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_SPAWNED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: OBJECTZONE_SPAWNED [id] [name] [pos_x] [pos_y] [xdir] [ydir] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_OBJECTZONE_ZONE_ENTERED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: OBJECT_ZONE_ENTER [zone_id] [zone_name] [target_id] [target_name] [target_pos_x] [target_pos_y] [target_dir_x] [target_dir_y] [game_time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_PLAYER | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ONLINE_PLAYER <name> <owner_id> <r> <g> <b> <access_level> <did_login?> [<ping> <team>] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ONLINE_TEAM | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ONLINE_TEAM <name> <screen name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_AI_ENTERED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_AI_ENTERED <name> <screen name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_AI_LEFT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_AI_LEFT [ai_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_COLORED_NAME | 0 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_COLORED_NAME [player_useranme] [player_colored_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_ENTERED_GRID | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_ENTERED_GRID <name> <IP> <screen name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_GRIDPOS | 0 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_GRIDPOS [player_username] [pos_x] [pos_y] [dir_x] [dir_y] [cycle_speed] [player_rubber] [cycle_rubber] [team] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_KILLED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_KILLED [player_username] [ip_address] [pos_x] [pos_y] [dir_x] [dir_y] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_LEFT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_LEFT <name> <IP> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_LOGIN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_LOGIN <name> <authenticated name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_LOGOUT | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_LOGOUT <authenticated name> <name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_PLAYER_RENAMED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: PLAYER_RENAMED <old name> <new name> <ip> <did_login?> <screen name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_POSITIONS | 0 | Write to ladderlog: POSITIONS <team> <player1 player2 ...> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_COMMENCING | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_COMMENCING [current_round] [total_rounds] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_ENDED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_ENDED [time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_SCORE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_SCORE <score difference> <player> [<team>] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_SCORE_TEAM | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_SCORE_TEAM <score difference> <team> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_STARTED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_STARTED [time] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ROUND_WINNER | 1 | Write to ladderlog: ROUND_WINNER <team> <players> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SACRIFICE | 1 | Write to ladderlog: SACRIFICE <player who used the hole> <player who created the hole> <player owning the wall the hole was made into> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SET_WINNER | 1 | Write to ladderlog: SET_WINNER [team_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SHUTDOWN | 1 | Write to ladderlog: SHUTDOWN <time> when the server has been shut down using exit/quit commands |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SOCCER_BALL_PLAYER_ENTERED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: SOCCER_BALL_PLAYER_ENTERED [player_auth_name] [team] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SOCCER_GOAL_PLAYER_ENTERED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: SOCCER_GOAL_PLAYER_ENTERED [player_auth_name] [player_team] [team owner of the goal] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_SPAWN_POSITION_TEAM | 1 | Write to ladderlog: SPAWN_POSITION_TEAM [team_name] [new_position] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TACTICAL_POSITION | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TACTICAL_POSITION [time] [name] [tact_pos] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TACTICAL_STATISTICS | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TACTICAL_STATISTICS [tact_pos] [name] [time] [state] [kills] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_CONQUERED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_CONQUERED <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> [<player> [<team>]] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTER | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_PLAYER_ENTER <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> <player> <player x> <player y> <player xdir> <player ydir> <time> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_PLAYER_LEFT | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_PLAYER_LEFT <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> <player> <player x> <player y> <player xdir> <player ydir> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TARGETZONE_TIMEOUT | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TARGETZONE_TIMEOUT <object_id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_COLORED_NAME | 0 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_COLORED_NAME [team_name] [team_colored_name] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_CREATED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_CREATED <team name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_DESTROYED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_DESTROYED <team name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_PLAYER_ADDED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_PLAYER_ADDED <team name> <player> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_PLAYER_REMOVED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_PLAYER_REMOVED <team name> <player> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_TEAM_RENAMED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: TEAM_RENAMED <old team name> <new team name> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_VOTER | 0 | Write to ladderlog: VOTER [player_name] [0-against|1-for] [description] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_VOTE_CREATED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: VOTE_CREATED [suggestor] [description] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_WINZONE_ACTIVATED | 1 | Write to ladderlog: WINZONE_ACTIVATED [id] [name] [xpos] [ypos] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTER | 1 | Write to ladderlog: WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTER <object id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> <player> <player x> <player y> <player xdir> <player ydir> <time> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_COLLAPSED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ZONE_COLLAPSED <zone_id> <object_id> <cx> <cy> |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_CREATED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ZONE_CREATED [id] [name] [xpos] [ypos] [xdir] [ydir] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_GRIDPOS | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ZONE_GRIDPOS [effect] [id] [name] [radius] [growth] [posx] [posy] [velx] [vely] [r] [g] [b] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_SHOT_RELEASED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ZONE_SHOT_RELEASED [0-shot|1-deathshot] [id] [player_name] [zone_pos_x] [zone_pos_y] [zone_dir_x] [zone_dir_y] |
LADDERLOG_WRITE_ZONE_SPAWNED | 0 | Write to ladderlog: ZONE_SPAWNED <object id> <zone_name> <cx> <cy> |
LADDER_GAIN_EXTRA | 1 | Ping dependent ladder extra score for the winner |
LADDER_HIGHSCORE_OUTPUT | 1 | If set to >1, high scores will be announced to all players. |
LADDER_LOSE_MIN_ON_LOAD | 0.2 | Minimum of you ladder score lost on each load |
LADDER_LOSE_PERCENT_ON_LOAD | 0.2 | Percentage of your ladder score lost on each load |
LADDER_MIN_BET | 1 | Minimum score you put in the ladder pot |
LADDER_PERCENT_BET | 10 | Percentage of your score you put in the ladder pot |
LADDER_TAX | 1 | Percentage of the ladder pot the IRS takes |
LAG_CREDIT | 0.5 | Maximal seconds of total lag credit. |
LAG_CREDIT_SINGLE | 0.1 | Maximal seconds of lag credit for a single lag credit event. |
LAG_CREDIT_TIME | 600 | Timescale lag credit is restored on. |
LAG_CREDIT_VARIANCE | 3 | Maximal multiple of the lag variance for a single lag credit event. |
LAG_FAST_TIME | 2 | Timescale the fast lag measurement decays on. |
LAG_FAST_WEIGHT | 1 | Extra weight lag reports from the server influence the fast lag compensation with. |
LAG_FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD | 0.2 | Minimal frequency of lag events (measured against the total number of input events) that needs to be exceeded before the server informs the client. Should be between 0 and 1. |
LAG_MAX_SPEEDUP_TIMER | 0.2 | Maximal speed increase of timer while lag is compensated for. |
LAG_OFFSET_CLIENT | 0 | Extra amount of lag compensation, determined by the client. |
LAG_OFFSET_LEGACY | 0 | Extra amount of lag compensation for clients that don't support automatic compensation, determined by the server. |
LAG_OFFSET_SERVER | 0 | Extra amount of lag compensation, determined by the server. |
LAG_O_METER | 0 | Draw Lag-O-Meter in network play |
LAG_O_METER_BLEND | 0.5 | Amount the player color should be blended with white to get the color of the Lag-O-Meter. 1 means white, 0 means the color of the player. |
LAG_O_METER_SCALE | 1 | Scale of the Lag-O-Meter. 1.0 is the "correct" value, older clients were hardcoded to .5 due to a bug. |
LAG_O_METER_THRESHOLD | 0.5 | The Lag-O-Meter will only be drawn if the product of cycle speed and lag is bigger than this value. |
LAG_O_METER_USE_OLD | 0 | Should we use the old buggy Lag-O-Meter? This functionality will go away soon. |
LAG_SLOW_TIME | 30 | Timescale the slow lag measurement decays on. |
LAG_SLOW_WEIGHT | 0.2 | Extra weight lag reports from the server influence the slow lag compensation with. |
LAG_SWEET_SPOT | 0.2 | Sweet spot, the fill ratio of lag credit the server tries to keep the client at. |
LAG_THRESHOLD | 0 | Amount of lag not compensated for on each lag event. |
LANGUAGE_FIRST | American | lish # The language @progtitle@ will use |
LANGUAGE_SECOND | American | lish # Fallback language if the first language is not available |
LAST_CHAT_BREAK_TIME | -1 | Last round time a player in chat mode is able to pause the timer |
LAST_CHECK_ERRORS | 1 | Listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist, last successful init |
LAST_COLORDEPTH | 1 | Color depth, last successful init |
LAST_FULLSCREEN | 0 | Fullscreen or windowed mode, last successful init |
LAST_ZDEPTH | 1 | z buffer depth, last successful init |
LEGACY_LADDERLOG_COMMAND | 1 | If set to 1, COMMAND will output similar things to INVALID_COMMAND. |
LEGACY_LOG_NAMES | 0 | If 1, the log names of unauthenticated players are kept like they were before authentication was implemented. If 0, log names are escaped so that authenticated player names look best. |
LIMIT_ROUNDS | 10 | End the match after this number of rounds |
LIMIT_SCORE | 100 | End the match when a player reaches this score |
LIMIT_SETS | 1 | Set the match set limit. Teams winning more sets win the match. |
LIMIT_TIME | 30 | End the match after this number of minutes |
LIST_ALL_COMMANDS | | All commands and their values are stored in ./var/commands_list.txt |
LIST_ALL_COMMANDS_LEVELS | | All commands are their access levels are stored in ./var/commands_levels_list.txt |
LOAD_CUSTOM_CONFIGS | | Load the custom configs loaded in CUSTOM_CONFIGS command. |
LOCAL_TEAM | | Adds a local account for an entire team (team tags are compared). |
LOCAL_USER | | Adds a local user account from a name/password pair. |
LOGIN | | Using this command you can prompt/login the selected player under the <name> with the given <username>.Usage: LOGIN <name> <username>. |
LOGOUT | | Using the given <name>, find the player and logs them out if they already logged in.Usage: LOGOUT <name>. |
LOWER_SKY | 0 | Draw lower sky plane |
MAP_FILE | Anonymous/polygon/regular/square-1.0.1.aamap.xml | File that contains the map used for playing |
MAP_FILE_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when MAP_FILE differs from its default? |
MAP_ROTATION | | A list of map files to rotate through, with values separated by semicolons. Optionally you can enter in the round like this: map|round_number; |
MAP_ROTATION_ADD | | Add a map item to the MAP_ROTATION list of items. Optionally you can also add in the round of selection. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_ADD <map>{|round_number} |
MAP_ROTATION_LOAD | | Loads the selected map from it's designated id from the list of MAP_ROTATION items. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_LOAD <map_id> |
MAP_ROTATION_REMOVE | | Removed the selected map from the list of MAP_ROTATION items. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_REMOVE <map> |
MAP_ROTATION_SET | | Set the selected map to the round provided. Usage: MAP_ROTATION_SET <map> <round> |
MAP_STORAGE | | Is mainly use for non-rotation purposes, queue mainly. Usage is similar to MAP_ROTATION, except without round. |
MAX_CLIENTS | 16 | Maximum number of network clients to accept |
MAX_CLIENTS_SAME_IP_HARD | 8 | Maximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will be ignored |
MAX_CLIENTS_SAME_IP_SOFT | 4 | Maximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will get kicked when the server is full |
MAX_IN_RATE | 8 | Maximum network input rate |
MAX_OUT_RATE | 8 | Maximum network output rate |
MAX_PLAYERS_SAME_IP | 4 | maximum number of players from the same IP (note that each client can legally host up to four players) |
MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION | 0 | If > 0, maximum protocol version allowed to play; features not supported by this version are going to be permanently disabled. |
MAX_VOTES | 5 | The maximum number of total votes that can be active at any given moment. |
MAX_VOTES_PER_VOTER | 2 | The maximum number of votes suggested by each voter that can be active at any given moment. |
MD5_PREFIX | | Extra hash prefix for local accounts used to scramble the password |
MD5_SUFFIX | | Extra hash suffix for local accounts used to scramble the password |
MEGA_SHOT_DIR | 3 | The number of shots released after full brake release (depending on MEGA_SHOT_THRESH value). |
MEGA_SHOT_EXPLOSION | 1 | If set to 1>, explosions occur when a mega shot is released. |
MEGA_SHOT_MULT | 0.3 | The boost for the mega shot after being released. |
MEGA_SHOT_THRESH | 2 | The amount of braking to do before ready to shoot mega shot. If set >1, mega shot is disabled. SHOT_THRESH needs to be enabled for this to work. |
MESSAGE_OF_DAY | | Message sent to clients on connection, if supported by the client, it will be displayed fullscreen |
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_TIMEOUT | 60 | Time message_of_day is displayed for in fullscreen mode |
MIN_FLAGS_HOME | 0 | Number of flags that must be home in order to capture a flag |
MIN_PLAYERS | 0 | Minimum number of players |
MIN_PLAY_TIME_ONLINE | 0 | Online play time in minutes required to play here |
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TEAM | 0 | Team play time in minutes required to play here |
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TOTAL | 0 | Total play time in minutes required to play here |
MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION | 0 | Minimum protocol version allowed to play. |
MIN_VOTERS | 3 | Number of voters that need to be online to enable voting. |
MOUSE_GRAB | 0 | Grab the mouse pointer, so it can't leave the window |
MOVE_TO | | Kicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects him to a different server. Does not imply an autoban penalty. |
MOVIEPACK | 1 | Use the moviepack if available |
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_BLUE | 0.5 | Floor color |
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_GREEN | 0.5 | Floor color |
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_RED | 0.5 | Floor color |
MOVIEPACK_RIM_WALL_STRETCH_X | 50 | Extension of one square of rim wall texture in the horizontal direction for the moviepack |
MOVIEPACK_RIM_WALL_STRETCH_Y | 50 | Extension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction for the moviepack |
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR | 10 | Autoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get. |
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_MAX_KPH | 30 | Maximal value of the kicks per hour; larger values are smoothly clamped. |
NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET | 5 | Autoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get. |
NETWORK_MIN_BAN | 120 | When a client's connection is blocked because he's banned, make him banned for at least this many seconds. |
NETWORK_SPECTATOR_TIME | 0 | If set to something bigger than zero, this is the maximal time in seconds a client without players is tolerated. |
NEW_FEATURE_DELAY | 0 | Disable features that only came in during the last X protocol versions. |
NEW_TEAM_ALLOWED | 0 | Is it currently allowed to create a new team? |
NUM_AIS | 0 | Number of AI players |
PASSWORD | | Password setting |
PASSWORD_STORAGE | 1 | Determines where your passwords are stored: 1 means on hard disk (dangerous), 0 in memory and -1 means they are not stored at all. |
PING_CHARITY | 300 | How much ping are you willing to take over from your opponent? |
PING_CHARITY_MAX | 500 | Server option: maximum ping charity value. Set to 0 to avoid instant kills. Active only if all clients are or better. |
PING_CHARITY_MIN | 0 | Server option: minimum ping charity value. Use to enforce fairness. Active only if all clients are or better. |
PING_CHARITY_SERVER | 500 | Don't touch: the server says this is the maximal ping compensation. |
PING_FLOOD_GLOBAL | 0.1 | The times PING_FLOOD_TIME_X, multiplied by this value, count for all pings from all machines. Negative values disable global flood protection. |
PING_FLOOD_TIME_10 | 1 | Minimum time for 10 ping packets from one machine to arrive. |
PING_FLOOD_TIME_100 | 100 | Minimum time for 100 ping packets from one machine to arrive. |
PING_FLOOD_TIME_20 | 4 | Minimum time for 20 ping packets from one machine to arrive. |
PING_FLOOD_TIME_50 | 20 | Minimum time for 50 ping packets from one machine to arrive. |
PLAYERS | | Prints list of currently active players |
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_FRACTION | 0 | Maximum fraction of time to wait for a single player to stop chatting. |
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_MAX | 0 | Maximum time in seconds to wait for a single player to stop chatting. |
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_SINGLE | 0 | Set to 1 if only one player should get his chat wait time reduced at any given time. |
PLAYER_CHAT_WAIT_TEAMLEADER | 1 | Set to 1 if only team leaders, and 0 if all players, should be allowed to pause the timer. |
PLAYER_GRIDPOS_INTERVAL | 1 | The time between previous "player_gridpos" output to the next. |
PLAYER_LIST_HIDDEN_PLAYER_PREFIX | 0xaaaaaa | The prefix that is shown on hidden players' Global ID and access level when we can see it. |
PLAYER_MESSAGE | | Sends a message to a specified player. |
PLAYER_RANDOM_COLOR | 0 | If set to 1, each local player will receive a semi-random color every round, trying to get as far away from every other player color. |
PLAY_TIME_ONLINE | 2404.31 | Total time in minutes someone has played with this client online |
PLAY_TIME_TEAM | 10.4301 | Total time in minutes someone has played with this client in a team |
PLAY_TIME_TOTAL | 2540.94 | Total time in minutes someone has played with this client |
PREDICT_OBJECTS | 0 | Predict cycle movement in network play |
PREDICT_WALLS | 1 | Predict cycle walls. Useful for avoiding instant kills |
PREFIX_SPAM_ENABLE | 1 | Should spam prefix checking be enabled? Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. |
PREFIX_SPAM_LENGTH_MULTIPLIER | 1.2 | Multiplier applied to prefix length when calculating prefix spam score. |
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_COLOR_CODES_MULTIPLIER | 1.2 | Multiplier applied to the number of color codes in prefix when calculating prefix spam score. |
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_KNOWN_PREFIXES_MULTIPLIER | 1 | Multiplier applied to the number of known spam prefixes when calculating prefix spam score. |
PREFIX_SPAM_REQUIRED_SCORE | 10 | The required prefix spam score a prefix must have for it to be considered spam. |
PREFIX_SPAM_START_COLOR_MULTIPLIER | 1.5 | If a prefix begins with a color code it will have this multiplier applied to its score. |
PREFIX_SPAM_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER | 15 | Multiplier applied to time calculation to determine how long a known prefix is remembered. |
PROTECT_SENSITIVE_FILES | 1 | Try to protect user.cfg from read access by other users? |
QUEUERS_LIST | | Displays the list of queuers and their queues. |
QUEUE_CONFIG | | Stores config that exists in CONFIG_ROTATION. Stops rotation temporarly to complete the listed maps. |
QUEUE_GIVE | | Give a set of queues to the given player's name. Usage: QUEUE_GIVE <name> <amount> |
QUEUE_INCREMENT | 0 | If set to >0, players will get their queues increased during refill by this amount. |
QUEUE_LIMIT | 20 | This is the amount that players can use up for queueing maps or configs. |
QUEUE_LIMIT_ENABLED | 0 | Should the people have limits when queueing? |
QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEMPT | 2 | Access level equal to or below this do not have queue limit. |
QUEUE_LOG | 0 | If set to 1, players queueing maps/configs will get written to queuelog.txt |
QUEUE_MAP | | Stores map that exist in MAP_ROTATION. Stops rotation temporarly to complete the listed maps. |
QUEUE_MAX | 30 | The maximum queues allowed due to the increase in their slots. |
QUEUE_REFILL | | Refill the queue fuel of the given player's name. Usage: QUEUE_REFILL <name> |
QUEUE_REFILL_ACTIVE | 0 | Should players be in server to have their queue refill active? |
QUEUE_REFILL_TIME | 1 | How long each time should players refill take? This is measured in hours. |
QUIT | | Shuts the dedicated server down and quits. |
RACE_CHANCES | 0 | The number of chances player get to play again in the same round after death. Depletes each time you use it up and resets for next round. |
RACE_END_DELAY | 60 | Number of seconds to give players to finish after target reached |
RACE_FINISH_KILL | 0 | If set to 1, players crossing the finish line will get killed. |
RACE_IDLE_KILL | 0 | If set to 1, kills players that are idle for RACE_IDLE_TIME seconds. |
RACE_IDLE_SPEED | 30 | Set to >= 0, idle activates if players stay for RACE_IDLE_TIME under the set idle speed. |
RACE_IDLE_TIME | 5 | Number of seconds a player is idle on grid before being warned and then killed. |
RACE_LOG_LOGIN | 1 | If enabled, it will only log the time records of players that have logged in. |
RACE_LOG_TIME | 0 | If enabled, it displays the reached time and the position of arrival. |
RACE_LOG_UNFINISHED | 0 | It set to 1, logs in the players that have not yet finished that racing course. Time values will be set to -1. |
RACE_NUM_RANKS_SHOW_END | 3 | The number of ranks to display at the end of round. |
RACE_NUM_RANKS_SHOW_START | 3 | The number of ranks to display at the start of round. |
RACE_POINTS_TYPE | 1 | If set to 0, players receive points depending on SCORE_RACE_FINISH. if set to 1, players receive points depending on RACE_SCORE_DEPLETE. |
RACE_RANKS_SHOW_END | 2 | If set to 1, ranks will appear at the end of the round; If set to 2, personal ranks will be shown to those players only. |
RACE_RANKS_SHOW_START | 1 | If set to 1, ranks will appear at the start of the round; If set to 2, personal ranks will be shown to those players only. |
RACE_RECORDS_LOAD | 1 | Default: 1, if set to 0, race records will not load. |
RACE_RECORDS_SAVE | 1 | Default: 1, if set to 0, race records will not save. |
RACE_RECORD_HIGHLITER | 0x00ff00 | The color to highlight that player's records during the personal display session. |
RACE_SCORE_DEPLETE | 1 | Number the score depletes by everytime a player enters the win zone. |
RACE_SMART_TIMER | 0 | If set to 1, timer is decided depending on the top 3 racing ranks. |
RACE_TIMER_ENABLED | 0 | 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) race timer. Don't change during round. |
REAL_ARENA_SIZE_FACTOR | 0.353553 | The currently active arena size. Leave it alone! Change size_factor instead. |
REAL_CYCLE_SPEED_FACTOR | 1 | The currently active cycle speed multiplier. Leave it alone! Change speed_factor instead. |
RECORDING_DEBUGLEVEL | 0 | Level of additional information in recording file. |
RECORD_TURTLE_MODE | 0 | Keep debug recording even in turtle mode. Normally, it is stopped to keep the server responsive. The begginning of an attack is recorded anyway, of course. |
RELOAD_CONFIG | | Reload the initial settings that are loaded during the beginning of the client/server. |
REMOVE_HELP_TOPIC | | Remove a help topic. |
RENAME | | Renames the given player. |
RESERVE_SCREEN_NAME | | Reserves a screen name to a registered user |
RESET_CONFIG_QUEUEING | | Reset config queueing. |
RESET_MAP_QUEUEING | | Reset map queueing. |
RESET_ROTATION | | Resets map and config rotation |
RESET_ROTATION_ON_START_NEW_MATCH | 0 | If enabled, map and config rotation will be reset when a START_NEW_MATCH command is issued |
RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_CLIENT | | URI the client uses to search for map files if they aren't stored locally. Better leave it alone |
RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_SERVER | | URI clients and the server use to search for map files if they aren't stored locally |
RESPAWN_ALL | | Respawns all players that were killed during the round at a random spot. |
RESPAWN_PLAYER | | Respawns a player that had been killed.USAGE: RESPAWN_PLAYER <player> <xpos> <ypos> <xdir> <ydir>. |
RESPAWN_TIME | -1 | Seconds greater than 0 makes sure any dead player will be respawned within that time of them being dead. Default: -1. |
RIM_WALL_STRETCH_X | 100 | Extension of the rim wall texture in the horizontal direction |
RIM_WALL_STRETCH_Y | 50 | Extension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction |
RIM_WALL_WRAP_Y | 0 | Set to 1 if the rim wall texture should repeat in the vertical direction |
RINCLUDE | | Includes a file using the resource system. Use the direct link syntax to your profit here. |
ROTATION_MAX | 0 | The maximum number of rounds the currently loaded map should remain before new map should be selected and loaded. |
ROTATION_TYPE | 0 | Determines when map and config rotation should occur. Possible values: (0) Do not do any rotation, (1) Ordered Rotate every round, (2) Ordered Rotate every match, (3) Random Rotate every round, (4) Random Rotate every match, (5) Activates ROTATION_MAX, (6) Activates for rotation where maps and configs load depending on the round they are set for. |
ROUND_CENTER_MESSAGE | | Big message sent to clients after every round |
ROUND_CONSOLE_MESSAGE | | Message sent to clients after every round. Each time this is used, the message is stored and executed at round start. |
ROUND_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_CLEAR | | Clear all messages stored in the console message. |
SAY | | Dedicated server only: let the server administrator say something. |
SCORE_BLASTZONE | -1 | What you get for hitting the Blast Zone |
SCORE_DEATHZONE | -1 | What you get for hitting the Death Zone |
SCORE_DEATHZONE_TEAM | -1 | What you get for hitting a team Death Zone |
SCORE_DEATH_SHOT | 1 | Number of points a player gets for shooting someone with their deathshot |
SCORE_DIE | -2 | What you get for dying |
SCORE_DIFF_WIN | 1 | The number of points after SCORE_WIN to declare round winner. |
SCORE_EXPLOSION | 0 | Points the enemy cycle destroyed in an explosion gains. |
SCORE_EXPLOSION_OWNER | 0 | Points the owner of an explosion gains for destroying another enemy cycle. |
SCORE_FLAG | 1 | Number of points a player scores on returning a captured flag to their base |
SCORE_FLAG_HOME_BASE | 1 | Points to get for returning your flag home. |
SCORE_GOAL | 1 | Number of points a player scores on kicking the ball into the enemy goal |
SCORE_HOLE | 0 | What you get for making a hole for your teammates |
SCORE_KILL | 3 | What you get for killing someone |
SCORE_RACE | 5 | What you get for reaching the win zone in a race |
SCORE_RACE_FINISH | 10 | Points players get awarded for crossing the finish line. |
SCORE_RUBBERZONE | -1 | Score player is given for dieing on a rubber zone. |
SCORE_SELF_DESTRUCT | 1 | Number of points a player gets |
SCORE_SHOT | 1 | Number of points a player shoots another player |
SCORE_SHOT_BASE | 0 | Points player's team receives for shooting at a base. |
SCORE_SHOT_SUICIDE | 0 | Number of points a player shoots themselves of their teammates |
SCORE_SUICIDE | -4 | What you get for stupidly dying |
SCORE_SURVIVE | 0 | What you get for surviving |
SCORE_WIN | 10 | What you get for winning a round |
SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONE | 0 | Number of points a player gets for killing a zombie zone |
SCORE_ZOMBIE_ZONE_REVENGE | 1 | Number of points a player gets for having their zombie kill someone |
SELF_DESTRUCT | 0 | If set to 1, once a player gets killed, a large zone will appear at the spot and kill inside of it. |
SELF_DESTRUCT_FALL | 2 | The speed at which zone's radius falls after increasing. |
SELF_DESTRUCT_RADIUS | 18 | The initial radius of the destruct zone. |
SELF_DESTRUCT_RISE | 5 | The speed at which zone's radius increases initially. |
SELF_DESTRUCT_ROT | 7 | The speed at which the zone rotates. |
SELF_DESTRUCT_VANISH | 1 | Flag for if a self distruct zone should vanish |
SERVER_DNS | | If your server is on dynamic IP and you set up a dynamic DNS that always points to it, you can set this variable to the DNS name to help clients remember your server across IP changes. |
SERVER_IP | ANY | IP the server listens on |
SERVER_NAME | Unnamed | ver # Name of this server |
SERVER_OPTIONS | All | tings at default values. # Short description of the options on this server |
SERVER_PORT | 4534 | Port this server listens on |
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_ANNOYING | 0 | Default legacy behavior for settings that only cause minor annoyances on old clients, like enemy cycles stopping for .1 seconds after each turn. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE |
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_BREAKING | 2 | Default legacy behavior for settings that absolutely break the client and make play impossible. Example of an affected setting: MAP_FILE |
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_BUMPY | 2 | Default legacy behavior for settings that allow play on old clients in principle, but with severe limitations (cycles bouncing around, player commands not executed on time). Example: CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED |
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_CHEATING | 2 | Default legacy behavior for settings where the default behavior could be considered cheating if non-default was set. Example: DOUBLEBIND_TIME |
SETTING_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR_VISUAL | 0 | Default legacy behavior for settings that only affect status displays and visuals, not game physics. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_* (the client displays the rubber meter, but it's not used for anything) |
SET_AI_POSITION | | Set the route at which the ai player should follow. Usage: SET_AI_POSITION [name] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] ... |
SET_COMMANDS_ACCESSLEVEL | | Set the access level of ALL the commands to the given level. |
SET_CYCLE_RUBBER | | Set the current used up rubber of the owner: Usage: SET_CYCLE_RUBBER <name> <rubber> |
SET_CYCLE_SPEED | | Set the current travelling speed of the owner: Usage: SET_CYCLE_SPEED <name> <speed> |
SET_PLAYER_TEAM | | Forcably place the selected player into the given team. Usage: SET_PLAYER_TEAM [name] [team] |
SET_TARGET_COMMAND | | Add commands for a target zone to issue when someone enters it. |
SET_ZONE_COLOR | | Change the color of a zone |
SET_ZONE_EXPANSION | | Change the Expansion rate of a zone |
SET_ZONE_ID_COLOR | | Change the color of a zone |
SET_ZONE_ID_EXPANSION | | Change the Expansion rate of a zone |
SET_ZONE_ID_PENETRATE | | Change the Penetration of a zone |
SET_ZONE_ID_POSITION | | change a zones position |
SET_ZONE_ID_RADIUS | | change zones radius |
SET_ZONE_ID_ROTATION | | Change the rotation speed of a zone |
SET_ZONE_ID_SPEED | | change a zones speed |
SET_ZONE_PENETRATE | | Change the Penetration of a zone |
SET_ZONE_POSITION | | change a zones position |
SET_ZONE_RADIUS | | change zones radius |
SET_ZONE_ROTATION | | Change the rotation speed of a zone |
SET_ZONE_SPEED | | change a zones speed |
SHOT_BASE_ENEMY_RESPAWN | 0 | If a shot enters into an enemy's base, respawn their dead team mates. |
SHOT_BASE_RESPAWN | 0 | If a shot enters into their own base, respawn their dead team mates. |
SHOT_COLLISION | 0 | Flag for if shots can collide and bounce off one another. |
SHOT_DISCARD_TIME | 0.3 | Time, in seconds, to wait before ready to shoot. |
SHOT_EXPLOSION | 0 | If set to 1>, explosions take place after every normal shot. |
SHOT_KILL_ENEMIES | 1 | If set to 1, player's shot kills enemies for entering into it. |
SHOT_KILL_INVULNERABLE | 1 | Flag for if Shot can kill invulnerable cycles |
SHOT_KILL_SELF | 0 | Flag for if a player can shot themself or their team |
SHOT_KILL_VANISH | 1 | Flag for if a shot should vanish |
SHOT_PENETRATE_WALLS | 0 | Flag for if a shot should go through walls when its not bouncing |
SHOT_RADIUS_MAX | 5 | The maximum radius of the shot zone. |
SHOT_RADIUS_MIN | 0.7 | The minimum radius of the shot zone. |
SHOT_ROT_MAX | 10 | The maximum rotation of the shot zone. |
SHOT_ROT_MIN | 2 | The minimum rotation of the shot zone. |
SHOT_SEEK_UPDATE_TIME | 0.5 | The interval in which the shot seeking is updated. |
SHOT_START_DIST | 1 | The distance from which the shot is released from the owner's bike. |
SHOT_THRESH | 2 | The amount of braking necessary to make a shot. If >1, shooting is disabled. |
SHOT_VELOCITY_MULT | 1.8 | The velocity at which the shot's velocity multiplies after being released. |
SHOT_WALL_BOUNCE | 0 | Flag for if shots can bounce off walls |
SHOW_FPS | 1 | Enable fps display |
SHOW_OWN_NAME | | Should your name be displayed above your cycle on your screen? |
SHUFFLE_SPAM_MESSAGES_PER_ROUND | 3 | Per round, per player limit on the number of shuffle messages displayed. A negative or zero value disables this check. |
SHUTDOWN | | This command activates the shutdown process for the game. Usage: SHUTDOWN <optional: seconds> |
SHUTDOWN_STOP | | This command automatically stops the shutdown process if it is currently active. |
SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT | 10 | This command sets the default seconds timeout before game is closed. |
SILENCE | | Silence a specific player so he can't use public chat any more (/msg and /team still work) |
SILENCE_ALL | | Silence everyone present in the server. |
SILENCE_DEAD | 0 | Silence all the players that have died. |
SILENCE_DEFAULT | 0 | If set to 1, new players will be silenced |
SILENCE_ENEMIES | 0 | When enabled, chat sent from enemies is not displayed on your client if you are alive. If you are dead all chat is displayed. |
SINCLUDE | | Includes the following file silently, without error message if it is not found |
SIZE_FACTOR | 0 | Arena size modifier |
SKY_WOBBLE | 1 | Sky animation |
SLAP | | Slaps the given player by causing their to gain/lose score points. |
SMOOTH_SHADING | 1 | Enable smooth shading |
SOCCER_BALL_FIRST_WIN | 0 | If set to 1, first team to shot the ball into other team's goal wubs the round. |
SOCCER_BALL_SHOTS_WIN | 0 | If set to > 0, the number of times the ball must enter other team's goal. Sending the ball in their own goal does not count. |
SOCCER_BALL_SLOWDOWN | 1 | If set to 1, soccer balls will slow down. |
SOCCER_BALL_SLOWDOWN_SPEED | 0.07 | The speed at which the ball show slow down at. |
SOCCER_GOAL_KILL_ENEMIES | 0 | If set to 1, enemy players entering other team's base will get killed. |
SOCCER_GOAL_RESPAWN_ALLIES | 1 | If set to 1, teammates entering their own goal will respawn dead teammates. |
SOCCER_GOAL_RESPAWN_ENEMIES | 1 | If set to 1, players entering opponent's goal will respawn enemy dead players. |
SOCCER_GOAL_SCORE | 1 | The points the team get for scoring a goal. |
SOFTWARE_RENDERER | 0 | Is the OpenGL renderer not hardware accelerated? |
SOUND_BUFFER_SHIFT | 1 | Buffer size multiplier |
SOUND_QUALITY | 2 | Sound quality [0=off, 3=high] |
SOUND_SOURCES | 10 | Number of sound sources to be heard at the same time |
SPAM_AUTOKICK | 14 | Spam score that causes you to get kicked instantly. |
SPAM_AUTOKICK_COUNT | 3 | Number of spam warnings before a player gets spamkicked. |
SPAM_MAXLEN | 80 | Maximal length of chat message. |
SPAM_MAXLEN_OVERRIDE | 3 | Block out older clients when SPAM_MAXLEN differs from its default? |
SPAM_PENALTY | 0 | Number of seconds to silence a spammer. |
SPAM_PROTECTION | 4 | Harshness of spam protection; determines min delay between chat messages accepted. |
SPAM_PROTECTION_CHAT | 0.3 | Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for chat messages. |
SPAM_PROTECTION_REPEAT | 5 | Minimum time between identical chat messages. |
SPAM_PROTECTION_VOTE | 50 | Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for votes. |
SPARKS | 1 | Draw sparks when going too close to a wall |
SPAWN_ALTERNATE | 0 | If set to 1, switch positions each round. |
SPAWN_EXPLOSION | | Spawns an explosion. Usage: SPAWN_EXPLOSION [x] [y] [radius] [r] [g] [b]. |
SPAWN_OBJECTZONE | | Spawns an object zone. Usage: SPAWN_OBJECTZONE [x] [y] [growth] [radius] [xdir] [ydir] [interact] [r] [g] [b] [target_radius] |
SPAWN_SOCCER | | Spawns a soccer zone. |
SPAWN_WINGMEN_BACK | 2.2029 | Determines how much each wingman is placed backwards in a team. |
SPAWN_WINGMEN_SIDE | 2.75362 | Determines how much each wingman is placed sidewards in a team. |
SPAWN_WINNERS_FIRST | 0 | If set to 1, winners from previous round will be spawned first in the next round. |
SPAWN_WRAP | 9 | Number of spawns after which to start wrapping new spawns at the beginning. |
SPAWN_ZONE | | spawn a zone onto the grid |
SPEAK_AS_ADMIN | | Let's you speak as admin. Output:= Admin: {message} |
SPEAK_TO_ENEMIES | | Let's you speak as admin to enemies. Output:= Admin --> Enemies: {message} |
SPEAK_TO_EVERYONE | | Let's you speak as admin to everyone. Output:= Admin --> Everyone: {message} |
SPEED_FACTOR | 0 | Speed modifier for the cycles |
SP_AI_IQ | 50 | IQ of the AI opponents in single player mode |
SP_AUTO_AIS | 0 | Automatically spawn AI players in single player mode? |
SP_AUTO_IQ | 0 | Automatically adjust AI IQ in single player mode? |
SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUS | 4 | Blast radius of the cycle explosions in single player mode |
SP_FINISH_TYPE | 1 | What happens when the last human is dead in single player mode? |
SP_GAME_TYPE | 1 | Type of game played in single player mode. 0 for freestyle, 1 for last team standing and 2 for humans vs. AIs. |
SP_LIMIT_ROUNDS | 10 | End the match after this number of rounds in single player mode |
SP_LIMIT_SCORE | 100000 | End the match when a player reaches this score in single player mode |
SP_LIMIT_SETS | 1 | Set the match set limit in single player mode. Teams winning more sets win the match. |
SP_LIMIT_TIME | 30 | End the match after this number of minutes in single player mode |
SP_MIN_PLAYERS | 4 | Minimum number of players in single player mode |
SP_NUM_AIS | 0 | Number of AI players in single player mode |
SP_SCORE_DIFF_WIN | 1 | The number of points after SP_SCORE_WIN to declare round winner |
SP_SCORE_WIN | 10 | What you get for winning a round in single player mode |
SP_SIZE_FACTOR | -3 | Arena size modifier |
SP_SPEED_FACTOR | 0 | Speed modifier for the cycles |
SP_TEAMS_MAX | 16 | Maximum number of teams in single player mode |
SP_TEAMS_MIN | 1 | Minimum number of teams in single player mode |
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT | 0 | Balance teams on player quit in single player mode? |
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS | 1 | Balance teams with AI players in single player mode? |
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE | 1 | Maximum allowed team imbalance in single player mode |
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS | 1 | Maximum number of players per team in single player mode |
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS | 1 | Minimum number of players per team in single player mode |
SP_WALLS_LENGTH | -1 | Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite. |
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY | 8 | Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever. |
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH | 1e+006 | Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated in single player mode |
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME | 1e+006 | Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated in single player mode |
START_NEW_MATCH | | Initiates a new match |
STOP_RECORDING | | Stops a currently running recording to save resources. Resuming is impossible. |
SUICIDE_MESSAGE | 1 | If set to 1, announce when player kills themselves. |
SUSPEND | | Suspend a player from playing for the following N rounds (default is set by SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDS) |
SUSPEND_ALL | | Suspends all active players by the SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDS or <rounds> specified.Usage: SUSPEND_ALL <rounds>. |
SUSPEND_DEFAULT_ROUNDS | 5 | Sets default round timeout for SUSPEND. |
SUSPEND_LIST | | One execution and it displays the list of currently suspended players. |
SWAP_WINZONE_DEATHZONE_COLORS | 0 | 0:Default, original colors and 1:Swap, swaps their colors with each other. |
TAB_COMPLETION | 1 | If set to 1, tab completion is enabled and you can use it to auto complete names and commands. |
TAKE_POINTS | | Slaps the given player by punishing them with the specified amound of points. Be careful or you will lose a of points :P |
TALK_TO_MASTER | 1 | Announce this server on the Internet? |
TARGETZONE_COLOR_B | 0 | The blue portion of the target zone's color. |
TARGETZONE_COLOR_G | 15 | The green portion of the target zone's color. |
TARGETZONE_COLOR_R | 0 | The red portion of the target zone's color. |
TARGET_DECLARE_WINNER | 1 | Last target zone is a winzone ?; |
TARGET_INITIAL_SCORE | 10 | Score for the first player entering the zone |
TARGET_LIFETIME | -1 | Time in seconds before the zone vanished. -1 for infinite |
TARGET_SCORE_DEPLETE | 2 | Score suppress to the zone score each time a player entered |
TARGET_SURVIVE_TIME | 10 | Time in sec before the zone vanished once a player entered. -1 for infinite |
TEAMS | | Get a list of all teams with a somewhat graphic representation of their formation. Same as saying /teams |
TEAMS_MAX | 16 | Maximum number of teams |
TEAMS_MIN | 1 | Minimum number of teams |
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT | 1 | Balance teams on player quit? |
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS | 1 | Balance teams with AI players? |
TEAM_BLUE_1 | 15 | blue portion of team 1's color |
TEAM_BLUE_2 | 4 | blue portion of team 2's color |
TEAM_BLUE_3 | 4 | blue portion of team 3's color |
TEAM_BLUE_4 | 4 | blue portion of team 4's color |
TEAM_BLUE_5 | 15 | blue portion of team 5's color |
TEAM_BLUE_6 | 15 | blue portion of team 6's color |
TEAM_BLUE_7 | 15 | blue portion of team 7's color |
TEAM_BLUE_8 | 7 | blue portion of team 8's color |
TEAM_CENTER_IS_BOSS | 1 | If set to 1, the center player is the team's boss. If at 0, it's the player who is on that team longest. |
TEAM_ELIMINATION_MODE | 0 | Defines the way ArmagetronAd should eliminate teams when there's more teams than TEAMS_MAX: Set to 0 it will try to keep as many players as possible, kicking teams that have the lowest score if teams are balanced; Set to 1 it will try to keep the best team colors (Team blue, then Team gold, then Team red, etc); Set to 2 it will kick out the teams that have the lowest score, regardless of balance. |
TEAM_GREEN_1 | 8 | green portion of team 1's color |
TEAM_GREEN_2 | 15 | green portion of team 2's color |
TEAM_GREEN_3 | 4 | green portion of team 3's color |
TEAM_GREEN_4 | 15 | green portion of team 4's color |
TEAM_GREEN_5 | 4 | green portion of team 5's color |
TEAM_GREEN_6 | 15 | green portion of team 6's color |
TEAM_GREEN_7 | 15 | green portion of team 7's color |
TEAM_GREEN_8 | 7 | green portion of team 8's color |
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE | 1 | Maximum allowed team imbalance |
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS | 5 | Maximum number of players per team |
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS | 1 | Minimum number of players per team |
TEAM_NAME_1 | $team_name_blue | name of team 1 |
TEAM_NAME_2 | $team_name_gold | name of team 2 |
TEAM_NAME_3 | $team_name_red | name of team 3 |
TEAM_NAME_4 | $team_name_green | name of team 4 |
TEAM_NAME_5 | $team_name_violet | name of team 5 |
TEAM_NAME_6 | $team_name_ugly | name of team 6 |
TEAM_NAME_7 | $team_name_white | name of team 7 |
TEAM_NAME_8 | $team_name_black | name of team 8 |
TEAM_RED_1 | 4 | red portion of team 1's color |
TEAM_RED_2 | 15 | red portion of team 2's color |
TEAM_RED_3 | 15 | red portion of team 3's color |
TEAM_RED_4 | 4 | red portion of team 4's color |
TEAM_RED_5 | 15 | red portion of team 5's color |
TEAM_RED_6 | 4 | red portion of team 6's color |
TEAM_RED_7 | 15 | red portion of team 7's color |
TEAM_RED_8 | 7 | red portion of team 8's color |
TELEPORT_PLAYER | | Teleports player to a new location. Usage: TELEPORT_PLAYER [player] [xpos] [ypos] [rel|abs] [xdir] [ydir] |
TEXTURES_HI | 0 | Use high color textures |
TEXTURE_MODE_0 | 9987 | Floor Texture: |
TEXTURE_MODE_1 | 9987 | Wall Textures: |
TEXTURE_MODE_2 | 9987 | Object Textures: |
TEXTURE_MODE_3 | 9729 | Font: |
TEXT_OUT | 1 | Enable console text output |
TIMEBOT_ACTION_HIGH | 1 | Action to take on a high suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player. |
TIMEBOT_ACTION_MAX | 1 | Action to take on a very high suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player. |
TIMEBOT_ACTION_MEDIUM | 1 | Action to take on a medium suspicion of timebottery. 0: do nothing, 1: log it, 2: message moderators, 3: message all players, 4: kick the offending player. |
TIMEBOT_KICK_SEVERITY | 0.5 | If players get kicked by the timebot detection, it's done with this severity level. |
TIMEBOT_SENSITIVITY | 1 | The sensitivity of the timebot detection code. 1.0 is the default and you probably shouldn't deviate more than .5 from that. |
TIMER_MAX | 80 | The maximum time for timer to reach. |
TIMER_MIN | 0 | The minimum time for timer to reach. |
TIMER_MODE | 2 | 0-countdown ticks down, 1-countdown ticks up, 2-countdown depends on the target time. |
TIMER_RESET | | Resets the ingame timer back to default. |
TIMER_RESUME | | If the timer was previously stopped, it resumes from where it last stopped. |
TIMER_START | | Starts a ingame timer, giving players <seconds> to do something. Usage: TIMER_START <seconds> <target> |
TIMER_STOP | | Perfectly stops the ingame timer. |
TIMER_TYPE | 2 | 0-do nothing, 1-kill all cycles, 2-kill all zones, 3-kill everything. |
TITLE_OF_DAY | Message | the Day # If fullscreen display is supported, this will be the title above message_of_day |
TOPOLOGY_POLICE | 0 | The topology police does posterior checks to determine whether game moves were legal. |
TOPOLOGY_POLICE_PARALLEL | 1 | Extra topology police flag to check for walls that are put into the grid data-structure exactly parallel to each other. Requites TOPOLOGY_POLICE to be active. |
TRUST_LAN | 0 | If set to 1, the server assumes that your LAN is safe and that nobody can run a pharming server on it. |
UNBAN_IP | | Revokes the ban of the specified IP address. |
UNLOCK_ALL_TEAMS | | Unlocks all teams. |
UNSILENCE | | Reverts a SILENCE command |
UNSILENCE_ALL | | Reverts a SILENCE_ALL command |
UNSUSPEND | | Removes a player suspension. |
UNSUSPEND_ALL | | Unsuspends all players that were suspended. |
UPPER_SKY | 0 | Draw upper sky plane |
URL | | HTTP URI associated with a server |
USER_ALIAS | | Allows bending authenticated names around: a player authenticated as X originally can appear as y. |
USER_LEVEL | | Changes the access level of a user. |
USER_REMOVE | | Removes an password account for a user or team. |
USE_DIRECTX | 0 | makes use of the DirectX input fuctions; causes some graphic cards to fail to work (VooDoo 3,...) |
USE_DISPLAYLISTS | 1 | Use display lists for rendering the cycles? |
VIEWPORT_CONF | 0 | Viewport configuration; decides how many players can play on this computer |
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_1 | 0 | Assign this viewport to a player |
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_2 | 1 | Assign this viewport to a player |
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_3 | 2 | Assign this viewport to a player |
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_4 | 3 | Assign this viewport to a player |
VOICE | | Reverse of SILENCE |
VOICE_ALL | | Reverse of SILENCE_ALL |
VOTES_CANCEL | | Cancels all running polls. |
VOTES_SUSPEND | | Suspends voting for n minutes. |
VOTES_UNSUSPEND | | Allows voting again. |
VOTE_KICK_REASON | | Default reason given to players when they're vote-kicked. |
VOTE_KICK_TO_PORT | 4534 | Default server port a player is redirected to by vote kicks. |
VOTE_KICK_TO_SERVER | | Server IP/name a player is redirected to by vote kicks. |
VOTING_BIAS | 0 | Add virtual voters that oppose every change. |
VOTING_BIAS_CHALLENGE | 0 | Vote-specific extra bias |
VOTING_BIAS_COMMAND | 0 | Add virtual voters that oppose every command vote. |
VOTING_BIAS_INCLUDE | 0 | Add virtual voters that oppose every include vote. |
VOTING_BIAS_KICK | 0 | Add virtual voters that oppose every kick vote. |
VOTING_BIAS_SUSPEND | 0 | Add virtual voters that oppose every suspend vote. |
VOTING_DECAY | 60 | One non-voter is ignored every time this many seconds pass. |
VOTING_HARM_TIME | 180 | The minimum time in seconds between two harmful votes against the same player. |
VOTING_KICK_MINHARM | 0 | Minimal number of harmful votes (suspension, kick,..) that need to have been issued (success is not required) against a player before a kick vote issued via the menu really results in a kick; otherwise, the result is a simple suspension. |
VOTING_KICK_TIME | 300 | The minimum time in seconds between two kick votes against the same player. |
VOTING_MATURITY | 300 | The minimum time in seconds a player needs to be online with the same name before he can issue votes. |
VOTING_PRIVACY | 1 | Controls logging of voting process. 2: nothing gets logged 1: vote submission is logged for the server admin 0: voting is logged for the server admin -1: vote submission is made public -2: everything is made public |
VOTING_SPAM_ISSUE | 1 | The spam level of issuing a vote. |
VOTING_SPAM_REJECT | 5 | The spam level of getting your vote rejected. |
VOTING_START_DECAY | 60 | Number of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored. |
VOTING_SUSPEND_ROUNDS | 5 | The number of rounds "/vote suspend <player>" suspends a player for. |
VOTING_TIMEOUT | 60 | Votes older than this time out and are rejected. |
VOTING_TIMEOUT_PER_VOTER | 15 | Additional value for VOTING_TIMEOUT for every voter present. |
WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT | 0 | Let the server wait for an external script between two rounds until the script switches this setting back to 0. |
WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT | 3 | If the server has been paused by WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT for more seconds than this, kickstart the game. |
WALLS_LENGTH | -1 | Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite. |
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY | 8 | Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever. |
WHITELIST_ENEMIES_IP | | Allow any players from the specified IP address to be enemies. Usage: WHITELIST_ENEMIES_IP <ip1> ... |
WHITELIST_ENEMIES_USERNAME | | Allow players from the same IP address to be enemies if one of them is authenticated, and in this list. WHITELIST_ENEMIES_USERNAME <authenticated name1> <authenticated name2> ... |
WHITE_SPARKS | 0 | Draw sparks in white (instead of cycle colors). |
WINZONE_PLAYER_ENTER_WIN | 1 | If set to 1, first player to enter the winzone will win the round. |
WIN_ZONE_DEATHS | 0 | A value of 1 turns it into a death zone. |
WIN_ZONE_EXPANSION | 1 | Expansion speed of the instant win zone |
WIN_ZONE_INITIAL_SIZE | 5 | Initial size of the instant win zone |
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH | 30 | Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated |
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME | 60 | Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated |
WIN_ZONE_RANDOMNESS | 0.8 | Randomness factor of the initial win zone position. 0 fixes it at the arena center, 1 spreads the zone all over it. |
WORD_DELIMITERS | `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}|;':",./<>? | Characters that count as word delimiters when skipping over words in a text input field. |
ZDEPTH | 1 | z buffer depth to use (0: 16 1: from color depth 2: 32) |
ZOMBIE_ZONE | 0 | If set to 1, zombie zones are enabled. |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_FALL | 0 | How quickly should a zombie zone shrink in size? |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_RADIUS | 6 | The initial radius of a zombie zone. |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_RISE | 0.4 | How quickly should a zombie zone rise initially? |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_ROT | 2 | The speed at which the zombie zone rotates. |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_SHOOT | 1 | How much zone to take away from a zombie when a shot enters it |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_SPEED | 12 | The speed at which the zombie zone moves as it chases after players. |
ZOMBIE_ZONE_VANISH | 0 | Flag for if a zombie zone should vanish |
ZONE_ALPHA | 1 | Transparency factor for zone rendering. 1.0 gives full strength. |
ZONE_ALPHA_SERVER | 1 | Transparency factor for zone rendering, controlled by the server. 1.0 gives full strength. |
ZONE_ALPHA_TOGGLE | 0 | This is XORd with ALPHA_BLEND to determine the way to draw zones |
ZONE_BOTTOM | 0 | Where to put the zone along the Z axis. Default is 0.0 |
ZONE_DELAY_CLEAR | | Clears all delayed zones from cache. |
ZONE_GRIDPOS_INTERVAL | 1 | The time between previous "zone_gridpos" output to the next. |
ZONE_HEIGHT | 5 | The zone segments' height. Default is 5.0 |
ZONE_SEGMENTS | 11 | How many segments the zone is formed with. Default is 11 |
ZONE_SEG_LENGTH | 0.5 | The rendered fraction of every segment. Default is .5 |